The Chase and Dinner

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After the lads were done with their laughing fit, they all decided to go choose their rooms. Of corse Louis and Harry went in one of the rooms for two. then Zayn and Niall got the other room for two, which left Liam to a room all to himself.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" I asked as they all came out of their choosn rooms.

"Well what can you cook or make and have in your house?" Louis asked

"Um..." I started."Chicken, spagetti, chicken parm, crepes, hot dogs, nachos, and tacos." Now i couldnt resist saying tacos by dragging out the 'o' like in adventorous adventures so of corse they started laughing some.

"Tacos!" Harry and Louis yelled.

"No chicken!" Zayn yelled.

"Chicken!" Liam cried.

"No! Somethimg edible and food related!" Niall yelled causing everyone to look at him weird and start laughing.

"How about I make tacos and chicken and spagetti." I chimed in.

"Ya I'm good with that." Liam said calmly. "Need any help?"

"Ya with making the spagetti and the taco meat, cause last time I kinda almost..."

"Kinda almost what?! I wanna know know!" Louis said making everyone stare.

"Nothing." I said quickly while running down stairs.

That had to be the second worst idea today. Cause after I said that it caused all the lads to run after me. God they act like such little kids! I ran outside hoping they would be to tired to follow but I couldnt have been wronger. I even ran up in my tree house but they all followed. So I did my only option... jumping out, running inside, and hiding in the basement. In my hiding spot I could hear the door open and five sets of feet running around looking for me. They would never find me though, but then I saw it. It was a spider, and im scared of them so I let out a little scream, killed the spider, and continued to hide realizing I made a mistake of giving away where I was. Soon enough the basement door swung open and they all came down looking for me, but good luck to them. The basement was bigget than the house and had lots of cabanets for storage. Aahhhchoo. Oh shit. Next thimg I knew was the picture I was hiding behind swung open with a blast of light. Then I was swung uncomfortably, may I add, over a shoulder, and tossed on the chair with the lads standing around me panting.

"Now tell us!" Louis cried again.

"Fine! But first whoevers shoulder I was just on... its really uncomfortable." I said looking at them.

"Sorry, but please tell us its killing us with the suspence!" Harry said.

"Tell us before I eat someone!" Niall cried causing everyone to take a step back.

"Okay, last time I cooked spagetti and taco meat I kinda almost burned down the house and kinda got burned for that. I didnt tell cause I was so embarrased." I said showing them the burn on my forearm.

"Wow." They all gasped.

"Yup. Now lets go cook before I die and Niall eats someone." I said eyeing Niall who was looking at Zayn like he was a chicken pie.

Cooking with them was a really weird experince. Niall kept trying to eat the food so we had to keep yelling at him, until I gave him my frosting container that my bro got me. Long story short he asked me what I eanted for dessert and I jokenly said frosting. Anyway back to the cooking. Then Harry and Louis kept trying to have a food fight with the food we were trying to cook with, so i gave them each a bowl of flour and told them to go outside. That left Zayn, Liam, and I cooking. When we were almost done I went to tell food fighter one and food fighter two that the food was done and to clean up. Note to self NEVER give them flour as a food fight weapon! Cause when I went outside I found them partly covered in flour, but I felt bad for Lucky. Aparently dumb-ass one and dumb-ass two, thought this name would suit them better, decided to attack my dog with the flour. Once they noticed me they froze and when I was about to yell at them the best thing happened to them. Lucky decided to shake so flour went all over them cause she moved between them.

"Aw good girl!" I cried while petting her.

"Well that backfired." Harry stated.

"No shit sherlock. Oh by the way clean up dinner is ready." I finished leaving the dumb-asses to clean off.

At the table, yes the table its much eaiser to clean that the living room and that way Lucky wont steal food.

"So uh what happened to you two and the dog." Liam asked while Niall and Zayn agreed.

"Hey the dog has a name." I somewhat scolded.

"Sorry Lucky." Liam said while looking at Lucky.

"Well when we got the flour we started to fight with it then decided to get Lucky. Sadly our plan backfired and Lucky shook off between us so we got covered in more flour." Louis responded.

"And why did you decided to attack Lucky with flour?" Zayn asked between chewing.

"Thought it would be fun. Which it was till she shook off." Harry replied.

After we were all done the lads helped me with the dishes. Which unfortunatly started a bubble fight. Bright side was the floors are now clean and it was super fun. Down side... the clean up.

Authors Note: hole you all loved it! Sorry it yet again sucks ive been so stressed out that i have had barely any time on. Also sorry to say slender man is going to be on hold... again due to me not being ae to find my notebook with the second chapter cause my room is a mess due to tests. By the way does it make any sence to learn about stress then take a test on it when you will be stressing out?? Aparently my best friends brothers friends brother knows a girl across the country who had that happen a few weeks ago. Weird part bout her that i heard is he calls her Kris and they both like most of the same bands and her friends... well fingers getting tired post in the comments to tell me how im doing what you like or to answer the question if ya want. Aaahhh!!! MY FINGERS DIED!! haha jk i wouldnt be typing if that happened. ^_^

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