Fight for Answers

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-Jades POV-

The next morning i woke to a hand on my face. 'Is that my hand?' I asked myself in my head of corse. Well only one thing to do... lick it. Not mine but ew! That was horrible! But wait if its not mine whos is it?

"Liam?!" I whisper yelled after I turned to see who.

"What?" He said rolling over causeing my to fall out of bed.

"Ow." I tried saying but got kinda muffed by the floor.

"Oh my god Jade Im so sorry. Are you OK?" Liam asked franticly.

"Ya Im fine but the floor is oddly comfortably. Oh what time is it by the way?" I asked.

"OK then... and almost 12?" He questioned.

"Shit! Almost 8?! I over slept!" I exclaimed.

"Wait but your clock says 1:00."

"Ya that was kinda a bet with my friend and so far Im winning." I explained.

"Um... OK? But why did you over sleep its summer?" Liam questioned.

"I dont like sleeping in." I said simply.

After about a few more minutes of explaining I went down stairs to feed Lucky and make some food cause I got hungry. So I decided to make crepes. Mainly for two reasons, one I love them cause they taste great and who doesnt love them. Two if I premake them I can make everyone think its another prank. So it is kinda a win win situation. I soon decided it was too quiet so I put on some music and went to wake up the guys. Liam was up and looking at my book collection. Louis and Harry were still asleep along with Niall and Zayn.

"Hey Liam can you wake up Louis and Harry for me?"

"Sure thing love." He replied.

OK now since Liamm is waking Louis and Harry I get to wake up Niall and Zayn. So how do I wake then up? Oh ya...

"FOOD!" I yelled which got Niall up but not Zayn. So now what?

"Food where?!" Niall quickly said.

"Down stairs. I made crepes, but you cant have them until you help me with Zayn."

"Fine," he sighed. "Zayn I broke your mirror!"

"What Im going to kill you!" Zayn said jumping up.

"T-thanks N-n-niall." Was all I could manage to say cause I was laughing so hard.

"Now can I have food?" Niall asked with the puppy eyes, andI nodded a yes.

"Yes you can."

"YAY!" Niall practally screamed.

"Just dont eat all the food." I yelled after hilm since he was downstairs in a matter if seconds.

After waking everyone up with Liam, we both went downstairs to find almost all the food gone. So as Liam was about to speak I signaled him to wait as I walked over to the cabenit, and pulled out more crepes. Now at least we can eat.


"Knockidy knock knock." Sara sad as she walked through the door.

"Sara, can you please change what you say when you walk in my house? Cause youve been saying 'knockidy knock knock' for three years everytime you come over." I asked.

"Sure," she shrugged then walked out making the lads and I confused. "How now!?" She said as she walked back in causing all of us to laugh.

" you d...did pay attention english." I said back while trying not to laugh.

1D at my House *somewhat on hold sorry :(*Where stories live. Discover now