New Girl

69 7 3

*Jade's POV*

Its been about an hour since the prank incident and Liam finally got his clothing back. We are in the middle of a meeting now hosted by Liam about the pranking.

"So lads, I think we should top the prank war thing." He started.

"What why?!" Louis and Harry shouted.

"Well for starters, if you prank Jade all hell would break loose."

"Haha yeah. Sorry about that. When it comes to pranking I'm a master so... yeah" I stated.

"So... do we all agree?" Liam asked earning a chorus of 'yes'.

"HOW NOW!?!" A very enthusiastic Sara yelled coming in the door with someone behind her.

The person that was behind her was a little shorter than Sara, probably just by an inch. She had blondish brown hair. I think green eyes its kind of hard to tell from 15 feet away. Also she had freckles and had a slightly darker skin tone than Sara. She actual looks like Sara some too. Only younger.

"Wait I thought I locked that door?" I said confused.

"Well you thought wrong." She replied

"No you did lock the door." The girl started. "She knows where you put the key."

"Oh really. Now I have to put it somewhere else." I stated.

"Oh by the way this is Shayla. My cousin" Sara stated.

"Well its nice to meet you Shayla." I started. "Hey guys come here."

"What's up?" They all coursed.

"This is Shayla. My..." Sara started before getting interrupted by Louis.


"Dood I'm only 16! This is my cousin" Sara said stressing 'cousin'.


"Anyways, her parents are away on business so I'm taking care of her." Sara stated.

"Well nice to meet you Shayla." Liam said.

"You too Liam." She replied.

"Fan?" Liam, Louis, Harry, Niall, and Zayn coursed.

"Major, but don't worry I wont go crazy." She stated.

"Well that's good to hear." Louis said.

"So Shayla, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Eat." She replied making me laugh some.

"What would you like?"

"MEXICAN!" She yelled in reply.

"Well your in luck... well somewhat. I was going to make that for lunch." I replied.

"Why somewhat in luck?" Niall asked.

"Yeah why?" Shayla also asked.

"Well-" I started but got cut off by Sara.

"Let me guess you don't have two things you need in order to make the Mexican food?" Sara stated.

"What? How did you know?" I asked shocked.

"I can read your thoughts." She said in a creepy voice earning her scared looks from everyone. "No just kidding. I know you to well, when you drag out 'well' I know you forgot something or need to do something." She clarified.

"Well okay then. So who can drive without destroying a car or anything?" I asked.

"I can." Zayn answered.

"Okay then will you drive me to the store then? We can use my dad's car." I asked.

"Wait! Why can't you drive?" Sara, Louis, Shayla and Liam asked.

"Well I didn't really feel the need to get it." I replied embarrassed.

"Dood! I thought you were going to get it!" Sara exclaimed.

"Well apparently you thought wrong." Niall said while trying not to laugh.

"Okay I get it its funny that I didn't want to get my license can we just go to the store now?" I asked getting annoyed.

"Fine lets go. Where are the keys?" Zayn asked.

"In the car. So we will be back in about an hour depending on traffic. Don't destroy the house please." I stated like a parent.

"Aw your no fun." Sara said laughing along with Niall.

"Later!" I yelled in the house as Zayn an I went to the garage. "We can take this one. The other one doesn't have the sticker yet." I stated while turning on the light.

"Wait. Is this the car you said that you didn't know?" Zayn asked shocked.

"Maybe." I said while getting in the car.

"Well why did you lie?" He asked getting into the car.

"Because you were bugging me. I even have a back room in the basement dedicated to cars." I replied.

"You do!"

"Yeah I'll show you if you want when we get back." I offered.

"Sure!" he exclaimed.


Author's Note:

Hey Guys! First off I'm rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sorry for the long wait. I've been trying to update but things kept happening.1) The chapter would not save. 2) Family events. 3) Many hard tests and quizzes in school. 4) MIDTERMS. 5) I was really down for a few weeks, and I started on an old habit to relieve pain. Cutting. Now I know I sound like I'm making excuses but I am serious. I have been trying to update. I Swear! I am going to try to update sooner, but who knows. So anyways PLEASE forgive me I am trying. So with that here is the next dedication contest and please DONT cheat well here are the next set of lyrics.

'She flicks lit cigarettes,

Burning holes in her clothes.

Did Daddy not love you?

Did Mommy not care enough?

There's a million stories,

Most are un true.

She says the name of my band,

Is her next tattoo.'

 Well there are the lyrics now don't cheat and congrats to the person who won the last dedication and the new character there may actually be more new people coming in the story so... ya that's all I got. Just remember to leave a like and ya. Always remember...

                                                            TURTLE POWER!!

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