Conceived Sorrow

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Several months have passed, and I have been living under the same roof as a fallen angel, demon, reaper, and incubus. Shinya is the reaper, and Kaoru the incubus. I haven’t had any more run-ins with them, thankfully. The two hardly make themselves known around the house. Kyo tells me it is because they are night owls that they cannot walk in day. But I think Kyo is isolating me from them, for my own safety. He seems to be the alpha of the horde.

Kyo, Die, and I have grown closer, especially Kyo and myself. I fear that Die may be growing jealous. He whines a lot, but I don’t mind. His complaints always make me smile and laugh, and he’s done a lot to make sure I feel at home here. He finally moved out of the tower, so I have my own room now. It is nice to be able to roll around in a bed I can call my own…not that he leaves me alone for long.

Kyo has been very kind to me. When Die is gone, we spend hours by the pond fishing; Although, I won’t touch the fish. He threw me in the pond once! I almost drown! Luckily, Shinya was nearby and pulled the two of us out (Kyo jumped in after me, but quickly sank to the bottom, forgetting that he too cannot swim). He scolded us for our stupidity. Sometimes we sneak out above ground at night. We lie in the field and watch the stars. Kyo tells me stories of his past until I fall asleep. Sometimes he sings to me. He has a beautiful voice. I fear that my heart is growing fond of him.

I miss you. I feel guilty about the way things ended. I would have loved to remain friends with you, but as it turns out I’ve disappeared off the face of the Earth. I hope you haven’t worried over me. I hope you are well. I miss falling asleep to your face…

I had to stop writing. Tears fell down my face, plopping onto the paper and smearing the ink.

“Dammit.” I sniff, wiping my eyes, “Dammit, dammit, dammit!” I cry out, crumpling the paper and throwing it into a growing pile of unsent letters. Sometimes, I wish I had disappeared off the face of the Earth.


“Kyo, does Ai seem sad to you lately?” I question the man as he tears into a raw, bloody steak. His food preferences send my stomach into knots.

“Why do you ask?” He mutters, sharp teeth snapping like a dog, eyes gleaming red with hunger. I turned away, suddenly queasy.

“She’s been cooped up in her room all week!” I groaned pacing throughout the room.

“Well it’s that time of the month, and you don’t want her walking around in a house full of blood crazed demons do you?” He rolls his eyes, biting off another large chunk.

“You guys are so gross!” I complain, trying desperately to shake the thought from mind.

“You asked!” He retaliates.

“Do you think she’s homesick?” The more I thought about it, the more sense it made. But could it really be so simple?

“I’m a demon Die, not a fortune teller!” He snaps, “Let me eat my damn meal before I tear your head off!” He growls losing his temper for a moment. The telltale dark smog surrounds his body, and I back away cautiously. When he gets a taste of blood, his head spins.

“Sorry. I’ll come back later.” I recoil, shrinking back into the hall.

“…She misses someone.” Kyo utters before I’m out of earshot. I nod in gratitude, heading to Ai’s tower.

“Good morning beautiful!” I smile seeing her tiny face poke out from beneath the covers.

“Die!” She grins ear to ear. I love her smile, it’s intoxicating. I hurry to her side, swooping into bed beside her.

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