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"How dare you to take her away from me?"

"Stop it,Jungkook! and,she is mine not yours!!"

"Shut up,Jimin! you are the one,who came between me and,Y/n!!"

"She doesn't loves you! she only loves me,Jungkook and,if you tried to force her then,I swear..I will kill you!!"

"Shut the fuck up! you don't deserve her!!"

"You,shut up! you are not in love with her!! you are just obsessed with her!"

"Yes,I am crazy for her! I became that crazy for her that,I can kill my own best friend!"

[He smirks while,he grabs a knife from the kitchen's drawer.]

"W-what d-do you mean?"

[He slowly steps towards him with that knife,while saying something.]

"What,if i kill you?..then,Y/n will be mine,Am I right?"

[He laughs while saying that.]

"J-jungkook,listen!..don't do th--"

[A gasp left from Jimin's mouth.
Blood was dripping, non-stop,when Jungkook came in his right sense and,he realised that,what he did.]


[Jimin collapsed there while, Jungkook couldn't control his tears to come out of his eyes.]

"I-i am sorry,Jiminah!!please..c-come back!!"

[Someone gasps from behind and,that took,Jungkook's attention towards the person.]

"H-hyung? P-please,trust me!! I-i didn't did this!!"

[He said while crying and,then,his Seokjin hyung said something.]

"Shhh..I know that,you didn't did anything! i know you very well!! so,don't worry and,go from here otherwise, someone will come! i will handle this!!"


"We don't have time! just run from here!!'


[He runs away from there.then,he arrives in his home.he went straight to his bathroom to clean the blood that was all over his body.He locks the bathroom's door from inside.Then,he turns on the tap and,he started to clean the blood that was in his hands while shivering,he remembered all the events that happened earlier.He cries while remembering.]

"I-i killed m-my own b-best friend!! shame on you! you are a psycho,Jungkook! you are a psycho murderer!!!!" He mumbled to himself,while crying harder, inside the bathroom.

"Jungkook?..are you okay?wake up,Jungkook!!"

[Jungkook,woke up,while breathing heavily.]

"J-jin hyung?"

"Yes,Jungkook! I know,what were you dreaming about and,he is already gone!it's just a nightmare,that will never come true again!!,relax!"

"O-ok!..but,hyung,when you came here?"

"Just now! I saw you here sleeping in the couch and,you were sweating heavily and,then,you said that!...don't worry,kook,I am here for you!!"

[When,Jin called him as, "Kook",he remembered,how,Y/n always called him with that sweet name.]

"Btw,I heard that,you are married now,haha!..and,I am so happy for you!...but where is she?"


"Ofcourse,your wife!"

"S-she is not here!..I-i mean,she is in Paris with her friends now!"

"Oh,but,why you didn't go with her?"

"B-because..she was missing her friends so much,so,she said that,she want to be alone with her friends!"

"Oh..!so,do you have any of her photo?..because,i want to see her,and you didn't even told me that,you are married!!"

"I-i am so sorry,hyung!! it was a private marriage and I--"

"Wait a min,kook!"

[Jin's phone rang and,he picked up the call.]

"Opps,i am so sorry to say but,I have to go urgently because,I have a really really important work now!! so,bye and take care and,I will come back soon!!"

"Bye,and,you too!"

[Jin left from there and,Jungkook layed on the couch again but in deep inside,he was missing, Y/n badly.]

"I think,I should check on her!" He mumbled to himself,while looking at the ceiling.


Her Sweet But Psycho Husband(J.JK)  (SERIES-1)Where stories live. Discover now