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[Jungkook,was going to the basement to check on,Y/n but when,he goes inside,he was left shocked.]


[He saw that,she was not inside the basement.He checked the whole place but,she was not there.]


[He shouted in anger and frustration. Then,Jungkook,gets a call from someone.
And it was...]



Tae: So,how are you,kookie?

Jk: What the fuck? why you called me?

Tae: I think,you are frustrated?..Am I right?

Jk: Wait a min...WHERE IS SHE???

Tae: Ofcourse,she is in my arms and,stop shouting! my princess is sleeping now!

Jk: Did you just kidnapped her?

Tae: Yes,I did! because,she is mine!


Tae: Kill me,If you can,haha...!

Jk: YOU--

[Before,he could say something,Taehyung cutted the call.]


[Jungkook, threw his phone in anger.]

"I swear,I will kill that fucking,Taehyung this time!!"

[Then,he runs towards his car and,he drives the car real fast.]

"Shit,how do I know that,where that bustard hide,my princess?"

[But,then,he realised that,he has left a tracker in,Y/n's wedding,he can find her easily whenever,she goes somewhere.]


[Jungkook,arrived at the place and,it was the same cliff where,Jungkook killed,Lisa by pushing her car by his car.]

[He opens his car door fastly and,he saw, Taehyung there standing and smiling at him

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[He opens his car door fastly and,he saw, Taehyung there standing and smiling at him.]

"You bastard,tell me,where is my princess?"

"Calm down,Jungkook! calm down! it's not like,I am going to harm her!!"

"Tf?what do you mean?"

"Should,I kill her?"


[Taehyung went near the car and brings,Y/n,who was looking scared.
Taehyung takes out a gun from his pocket and,he points the gun towards,
Y/n's forehead.]

"See! if you didn't do,what I tell you to do then...! you clearly know that,what i will do with her!"

"Are you crazy?..put that gun down!...I SAID PUT THAT FUCKING GUN DOWN!!"

Her Sweet But Psycho Husband(J.JK)  (SERIES-1)Where stories live. Discover now