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There are tides also for our actions. If one perceives the tide, it leads to happiness; if one misses it, the whole journey of life must wind through hardship and cliffs.

Atlantis, Today

It was years ago when Norvina was in Atlantis for the last time. Of course she had come to the funeral of King Orvax, as well as to the coronation of Orm as the new king, but that was all. It had never been a goodbye, not a final one, she knew that, no matter how many more times it happened.

"You disappoint me, King Orm," Norvina strolled leisurely through the white throne room towards the throne and with a wave of her hand, the guards coming towards them were washed aside, "Come, go."

"You know her, Orm?" asked a young redhead uncertainly, sitting by Orm.

"Yes, I do," Orm escaped, rising from the throne, "I do all too well."

"Is that how you greet an old friend?" jokingly Norvina raised her hands, which moreover supported her question and began to laugh, "Then it seems to me that in all these years you have not learned how to treat your friends."

"And, it seems to me, you forgot to curb your mouth once you stopped moving among the people," the serious expression on Orm's face barely disappeared, however, that Norvina stopped in front of him and shook her head, "Still the same."

"I'll gladly return that, even if it wasn't a compliment on your part," hard to say given that Norvina didn't know how Orm's mood was at the moment and it only took one wrong word which made his current state completely topple, "I'm glad to see you again.... May I?"

"You know I'm engaged?", a point that didn't stop Norvina from taking Orm in her arms in greeting, resting her chin on his shoulder and thus just had to start smiling, "What a nice change to see you."

"I think so too," for a moment longer than it should have been Orm held Norvina close and only broke away from her when she had stopped stroking the back of his head with her fingertips and finally removed her hand, "I see you listened to me for once in your life. Neither gold, nor silver, nor platinum. Palladium. A most wise decision."

"I have listened to you far more often than merely once Norvina," if it were and yet Orm kissed Norvina Fingers, "So many, reassuring events must have brought you to Atlantis."

"If you want to call it that Orm," abruptly Norvina's voice became cool, which irritated even Orm and he now looked at her without any expression, "We have to talk about the troops and what is making the news throughout the ocean. Moreover, I would be happy if Vulko will join this conversation. This conversation is going to be most unpleasant and anything but pleasing to you."

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