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It is said that let he who is without sin cast the first stone. And to be without sin means perfect forgiveness. But when the memories are freshly inflicted wounds, forgiveness is the most unnatural of all emotions.

This hatred, this inconceivably enormous aversion towards the brother whom Orm did not even know, was incomprehensible. The dark-haired man, whose name Norvina did not know, was not a disease, the way he treated his brother, to be eradicated. Wherever the feeling came from, hating a person you didn't even know, shouldn't have started with him, but had a completely different origin.

Especially since the point, with the claim to the throne, did not even come from Orm's brother, nor anyone else, but from Orm himself. No one had said a word about it. As soon as he faced his big brother, his first thought was that the throne and his rule over Atlantis had been disputed. Why? As if there was nothing more to life than his power and being able to lose it.

"So you are....," Norvina began uncertainly, because it was not possible for her to say what to make of the brother and the situation, "....  Atlanna's first child. The avoidable last chance, at least if Vulko has his way, to prevent a war."

"And you are?" the visitor replied but Norvina approached him without saying anything and swam around him once, "Yes?"

"It doesn't matter who I am......", and never will, since Norvina as a person was more than irrelevant to Atlantis and its ruling system, "..... as it stands, it matters more who you are. So, who are you?"

"Arthur," that was once short and to the point, "Where I come from, you introduce yourself first before you ask someone else their name."

"Norvina should do," after Norvina had taken one last scrutinizing look at Arthur, she had been allowed to note one thing, "Amazing.... though you are siblings, you couldn't be more different."

"According to this, can I assume that you know my little brother?" but Norvina put on a smile, which could mean anything, which Arthur took to mean that she didn't want to answer him, "You Atlanteans along with your secrets again."

It was no secret, for Norvina had already been in the royal court, Atlanna had not yet been banished, and Orvax still had many years ahead of him as king. But, of course, Arthur could not know that.

At first glance and from the few words Norvina exchanged with Arthur, not to mention how the man presented himself, she knew that he possessed a completely different outlook on life and view of this world, one that could not be more, different from that of Orm.

Maybe this man might not be the person Atlantis wanted, nevertheless he could be the person Atlantis needed.

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