8 1 0

The result  became positive and only a small dot was left on the slide. Martha kept the slide under the moonlight and started looking at it under a microscope.

That thing, as soon as it came in contact with the moonlight, it started moving. Just then Martha went and grabbed a dead rabbit and kept it on the table and herself wore a magnifying glass specs and so she saw that the black dot was of star- shape, she picked up the thing and put it on the top of the dead rabbit's heart but  the thing didn't move and seeing this they became upset.

But suddenly Martha thought something so she turned back and disappeared and when she returned, she had a rabbit which this time was alive.

Though the rabbit was unconscious, Sara kept the star shaped dot near the rabbit's heart and kept it under the moonlight where Martha had already cleaned the hair and they got the result in five minutes. 

They got shocked and stepped back. That rabbit turned black in colour.

Martha moved the rabbit with a spatula and its condition was the same as those dead bodies and both of them started writing the report. Martha and Sara were very excited to tell the improvements of their test to Robert.


Here, In the deep dense forest Robert and Pompy had involved Chief  Black Eagle too, 00X was silently sitting in the chair, whom Robert had dragged from the abandoned place.

Actually David or 00x had gone to that place to find the map which Narda's father had asked for but unfortunately was caught by Robert.

"Who are you? What are you doing there?"

"I have already told you"

David had stayed on the same thing about him being a photographer and that he had gone there for collecting photos even after being asked by Robert a million times.

"You are lying Mr…."

"My name is Burgo"

"Where is your Card?"

"I am not fixed, according to company and salary, I sell the photos"


But Robert was set on saying that he was lying. When Robert saw that Chief had shown a sign of v shaped finger and crossed it, Robert understood that he had to lock the young man up.

Robert took the young man on gunpoint and kept him in the same room where he had kept lola.

David  lied down on the couch and started thinking about Narda.

Why did Narda's father hide her?

Narda was in danger but from whom?


In the black valley, nothing was calm, today WINTER was very angry as she couldn't contact 00X

SHE was thinking that he had become very careless these days and  was thinking of giving 00L his position who had become very favorite of her.

"where is 00X?!" she growled

"I don't know winter we haven't had contact with him for two days but we got his vehicle near the abandoned place" 00L explained.

"Abandoned place? Hmm" SHE said

"He was wandering around there a lot" 00L said

But 0xb said that he was last seen with Robert.

"Robert? Again??"

"And 0xb also found a crushed camera there and there might be a possibility that the place was under surveillance" This time 00y said

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