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He saw that Chika was barking seeing a silhouette who stood under the tree.

Bolin tried to see that silhouette but he couldn't because it was far away. He rubbed his eyes, so that he could see that image clearly, but it seemed it was a shadow of a tree.

Suddenly he felt that the silhouette moved and the distance became shorter, he frowned was it his illusion or shadow, he stood there but there was no movement in the silhouette, he huffed as he turned back, he felt that was moving, immediately, he turned and saw, his guess was right, now the silhouette was at very near.

It was a six feet long shadow-like structure, who was slowly coming towards him. It seemed it was not walking, it was floating. Bolin drenched in sweat, he looked at her eyes,  her eyes were glowing like a light. Her claws were shining in the moonlight. She moved towards him slowly,

Seeing Bolin ran on the way and tried to enter the house, but it was locked, he got startled. When he came out from the house the door was opened. Now how did it close?

He turned back and ran towards the main gate, but till now that bloody killer diamond crystal eyed silhouette came near to him and grabbed his hand, Bolin got a fragrance and he felt unconsciousness.

That crystal eyed silhouette grabbed his neck, Bolin tried to escape from its clutch but he didn't get success, because due to fragrance, his brain was not working,  he started struggling. But he felt he drunk.

Suddenly, Bolin felt a slight pain in his neck, his mouth opened due to pain and then  he felt at first a chill but slowly it converted into fire-like feelings. That silhouette left him and went a few distance away from him,  he fell down on the floor, he started writhing for a second and then he died, after two seconds his body converted into a shrinked burned body.

That silhouette stared at him and backed on the way.

She disappeared in the darkness of the night. The moon was smiling until now.

Tring………. Tring……..

Tick was so happy, because the killer had been caught, so he picked up the phone with exaggerated happiness


 But the incoming call  removed his happiness. Whatever he got to know his happiness flew with its feathers. His mouth opened, he hung up the phone.

Now he immediately informed Robert.

Robert's team was surprised and startled. Robert's guess was right.

Eva was not only the bloody killer, but also another person who helped her.

All the team got to the place and they were extremely shocked, the deceased body's  condition was the same as Nick's dead body.

Tick sat on the lawn and stared at the dead body. He was very sad, he felt that he could catch the killer, but now he was seeing his promotion fly away from him high in the sky.

Bolin was the servant of Boston's house.

"Why did the killer kill a servant?" Tick murmured to himself.

They checked the cctv footage, that silhouette was clearly seen in the light which was in the lawn when it came near to Bolin, its image clearly seen in the monitor of cctv footage and Robert got startled when he saw the killer, but now the killer looked at the camera and smiled, its red coloured teeth were shining in the light. Her face was a copy of Eva. When she disguised as the killer.

Robert felt that the killer was trying to challenge him. They brought his dead body into the mortuary.

Sara and Martha also came there, they said that the body must be protected from the moon light. They knew the result.

Robert got the new challenge and now he understood the meaning of Eva's smiling.

Robert arrived at the custody for Lippo, Tick already interrogated him but he didn't open his mouth. Robert got to know , then he went to him.

"How are you Lippo?" Robbert dragged a chair and sat before him, he stared and bowed his head,

"Lippo you don't tell anything, but you never escape from here" 

He bowed his head till now,

"You are thinking only about yourself but not about your family"

Lippo was silent

"All right, Lippo keep it up, but remember one thing you have killed innocent people", then he stood. Turned back on the way

"No one was innocent"

Robert was startled, he heard it many times, through Lona, Eva and now Lippo. He turned back to him, came near to him and stared at him,

"Ok, if I assume that they were not innocent, then what was the story, tell me"  Robert asked him.

He became silent

"Tell me, what was the story?"

He was silent still now.

"I know you haven't any answer because only for money you killed the innocent people"


"Really," Robert smiled, his planning was going to work.

"No Lippo, you are lying, they were innocent and hard working so……"

Before he completed his word, Lippo stood, grabbed the chair, picked up and raised it high and through towards  Robert, but Robert crouched down and the chair flew over his back which struck the wall, then again it bounced, fell on the floor.

Seeing it,  four cops came inside at once and grabbed his both arms, he heavily tried to escape from their hands. Robert smiled.

He came near to Lippo and patted his cheek

"Don't be angry my friend, I'll see you soon" saying it Robert turned back and came out from the cell. He beckoned Tick.

"At first you got his house address and tried to collect the information from his family and give the report."

"Ok sir" 

Then Robert turned back and got the way towards his home.  There are many questions hammered in his head.

"It means Black valley, Mantino palace and are connected till now but how?"

The police searched around the black valley and Mantino palace but they didn't get any movement, Albert and Pompy also came away from the place, but Robert got the hidden place in Mantino palace.

Where that young guy searched for something, but he introduced as a photographer. Robert knew he was lying but what was he trying to hide? How did he arrive there?

"But Mantino palace is connected with Quala palace, then…… but "

Robert's head was spinning,

He called Tick and said that he again put the Patrolling  as for the previous condition in Black valley and Mantino palace. Then he hung up.

He turned his car towards Mantino palace abandoned fort).




To be continued in the next series……….

The second part is '15th Moon'

Queen Mamba (Novel | Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now