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Ella followed the blurred figure,

That figure started climbing the stairs which were running towards the roof.

"Ella, Ella, where are you my dear? "  Mrs Anika was asking, but she didn't get any answers. She got up to listen a low pitched sound,  she had already got up so she came out from her room, 

She went towards Ella's room,  when she arrived at the door she saw that the room was dark, spinning her head around, she saw a light at the top of the stairs, she was extremely shocked,  Her mouth opened.

Ella was going to the roof through the stairs, 

"Where is she going at this time? " she murmured to herself 

"Ella stop my dear,  stop, don't go" Mr's Anika shouted at her last breath but Ella didn't listen to her and crossed through the door, Mrs Anika followed her and she arrived at the roof. 

When she arrived,  she was startled and shocked. Her throat was jammed,  she wasn't able to shout, she looked at the roof. Her heart seemed like it came out of its place. 

Ella stood on the wall of the terrace, 


Anika ran as fast she could do,  she grabbed Ella's hand and pulled her to herself. Ella fell down on her body. Anika held her. Ella became conscious. She hung on Anika's hand.

"Shera,  Shera " she called her servant

Within a second Shera came to her,  both picked up Ella and brought her down to the stairs and came into the room. They laid her on the bed. Even then Mike came into the room,  he was also puzzled. 

"What happened mom?  Why are you screaming? "

He said with a puzzled voice. 

"Mike , call the doctor Peter,  come on fast"

Anika was shouting,

As Mike turned to call the doctor,  he heard 

"Ah.. … …"

He turned back,  he looked at Ella, Her eyes were blinking.  He huffed. Immediately, he came near to her

"What happened Ella?" he said,

"Yes Ella,  tell me, what are you doing in the terrace"

Anika also asked her. 

Ella sat on the bed in a reclined position,  she looked around herself, then she held her head with the help of her two hands,  because a pain arose in her head. 

"I didn't remember anything" she replied, "I was dreaming mom"

"What!"   both Anika and Mike startled. 

"What are you talking about,  you don't know how you arrived at the terrace? "

"No,  I don't remember anything, I was sleeping "

"Hmm… ..OK,  Ella you go to sleep,  I am here, whatever you want, you tell me "

""No mom, I am alright,  please you don't get bothered because of me,  you go and take rest,"

"No Ella, I won't listen to you,  once I heard you, not again, tomorrow both you will go to London,  this is my final decision" Anika said with Stern voice.

Both Mike and Ella got quit. They thought their decision was not fragile. Internally, they decided that they would never leave her mom alone. 

Outside of Quala Palace, 

The shadow who was on the tree and watched the palace,  he startled, 

Queen Mamba (Novel | Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now