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Katnice's P.O.V

Katnice :Mikael.

Mikael:Hello again

Katnice:What do you want?

Mikael:I thought I made myself clear the other day. I want to kill you and the beast you call a father.

Katnice:Well I won't let that happen.

With his vamp speed run up to me and pushed me against a tree. I fell down but I immediately got up.

Katnice :Motus.

I casted the spell but I missed. He laughed. He came closer to me.

Mikael: You can't hit me with your magic. I'm faster.

I smiled.

Katnice :But I can trap you. Phasmatos Incendia Circulum.

A fire ring formed around us. We were both trapped.

Mikael :You can't kill me even if I'm trapped. But I can.

He ran towards me with his vamp speed but he didn't manage to kill me. Because even if I miss when I cast my spells on him there is one spell that he can't avoid.

Katnice :Phasmatos Morsinus Pyrox Allum

That spell inflicted him a headache. He fell down from the pain.
My fire ring after a couple of minutes disappeared. Mikael had started to bleed from his eyes and ears. After the fire ring disappeared he walked away from me in order for the pain inflicting spell wouldn't work anymore on him.

Mikael:I'll be back and I'll kill you all.

Katnice :I won't let you harm my family. Not now not ever. I will kill you with my own hands if I have to.

Mikael :Well I'll tell you something that will motivate you to stay away from me. You think you can hide it. I can hear you know. And I guess you don't want him to know yet.

Katnice :What do you mean?

I looked at him shocked.

Mikael:You know exactly what I mean

I closed my eyes and a wave of magic came out of me and hit Mikael. When I opened them Mikael was gone. I could hear voices calling my name from afar. I could recognize my dad's, Rebekah's, Kol's. I wanted to go find them but when I took a step forward I collapsed. The next thing I remembered was me laying down on the cold ground. My hands touching the dirt. The voices coming closer and then darkness.


I woke up in my bed. Lydia was sleeping on a chair next to me.

Scott was sleeping on the chair next to my desk

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Scott was sleeping on the chair next to my desk.


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Stiles.. Well Stiles was sleeping on the floor.

I sat up and then Lydia woke up

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I sat up and then Lydia woke up.

Lydia:Hey. How are you?

Katnice :I don't know. What happened?

Lydia:Well we were at Bayou and you told us to return to the place where your family were and you would come. But you didn't. We got worried and came to look for you. While we were walking something hit us and we all fell down. Freya said it was your magic. We walked to the place that magic came from and we found you on the ground unconscious.

Katnice :Oh. Ok.

Then Freya walked in.

Freya:Hey Kat. You woke up. Are you ok?

Katnice :Yeah.

Freya:I should better wake them up.

She woke up the boys then she went downstairs to bring me something to eat.

Scott :You ok?

Katnice :Why is everyone asking me if I'm ok?

Stiles :Maybe because you fainted at the middle of the woods?

Freya then walked in and gave me a bag of blood to drink.

Lydia:Emm.. You're gonna drink this?

Katnice :Yes


Freya:Because she's a vampire and since she is weak she needs to be hydrated. And the vampires get hydrated with blood.

I started to drink the blood and everyone where looking at me. Stiles was trying not to throw up. Then he fainted. I rolled my eyes and kept drinking.

Freya:I'm gonna bring you some more.

I nodded while I was drinking the blood.

Scott :Shouldn't you slow down?

Katnice:No. I'm very hungry.

I finished the bag of blood.

Katnice :Freya! Where are you? I finished this bag of blood!

After five bags of blood I got up from bed.

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