What The Fuck-?

386 8 0

Warnings :-

Suggestions of Smut.

Like- brief mention of alcohol

Bad Language.


Family Issues.

Mentions of possible non-consensual sex. ( but not really ).


Third Person P.O.V :-

Honestly, Gellert was worried, he wasn't his usual, controlled self right now. He had his arm around the boys waist, both of them were coated in sweat. He had woken up early, per usual, and that was usually how he liked it.

He always thought sleep was for the weak links in the population, if he spent all his time sleeping, life would simply pass him by. He'd be one of the ones earth couldn't pick up and he'd be left behind.

Well, his opinion had not changed, it'd take years before it ever would, but right now, he was awake, to do nothing but worry, scared to move. If he moved he might wake the boy next to him up, and he didn't want that, he didn't want to think about the consequences, nevermind face them.

You see, the previous night they had been exploring things about the other, and then it took a very large step. And Gellert wasn't afraid at the time, what anybody, or himself thought, because, in all honesty he wasn't thinking and desire took over for a moment.

Don't misunderstand either, he hadn't disliked it, he'd absolutely loved it, and it was utterly hrilliant. The only issue was that might've been the only thing he loved.

Yes, he was up, early in the morning, worrying about not loving Albus. Although, he knew he did. He loved Albus, a lot. It's not like he treated him poorly either, probably the most spoiled boy in Britain. So, what even was the issue...?

Well, Albus and Gellert had been drinking, which is fine, they didn't even drink that much, if you asked Gellert, but Albus was a lightweight, and was probably a lot more drunk that Gellert, and well, we all know what that makes it, and in Gellert's mind it was horrible, he wouldn't have done it if he loved Albus.

Gellert remembered what had happened, obviously, and so did Albus, but Gellert doesn't know that now does he?

Gellert's P.O.V :-

Well, I'm royally fucked aren't I? There's no way I could remotely explain what happened, not honestly atleast. I don't even usually have a problem with lying, hell, it's a daily occurrence for me, and I don't know what it is, but I'd feel pretty god awful if I lied to him, expecially about this.

Another thing, what about Bathilda? She's going to want an explanation for why I wasn't home. Even if I wanted to I couldn't make an excuse for that. Well. Might aswell get up while I can't sleep. I noticed just then I had my arm resting on his waist.

Yeah, I'm not looking to wake up a hungover Albus Dumbledore. Alright, I suppose I'm doing this differently.

Third Person P.O.V :-

Gellert lifted his arm as softly and slowly as he could, Albus is a heavy sleeper, who could probably sleep through a master heist, but any risk at all needs to be avoided, if Albus woke up right now, he'd be under a lot of pressure for answers.

He managed to completely detatch himself from Albus, fell out of Albus's bed and went to get his clothes, wearing yesterdays clothes wasn't necessarily ideal, but it's just till he can apparate back to his room.

He left Albus's room, kissing his forehead and shutting the door quietly. He went into the bathroom to get changed, but never bothered to fix his hair. Well, to say the bathroom sink was in a mess was an understatement.

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