Emergency - Halloween 2021

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Cheryl had texted you. All it said was EMERGENCY in all caps. Jughead had given you a ride up to her house and had turned back to get Toni and the others. You ran up the long drive and pounded on the door.

"Cheryl! CHERYL!" You called as you pound your fist on the door. The door was flung open and Cheryl stood in the doorway grinning.

"(Y/N), What's the emergency?" She asked as if she was surprised that you'd come.

"You... You texted and said there was an emergency." You explained quickly. Cheryl smiled and tilted her head. Her smile was tense and you weren't sure if she was home alone or not.

"Have you come to sing pumpkin carols?" She said loudly. You frowned and tried to look behind her. You wished more than anything Jughead had just called for help before driving all the way out to Cheryl's. The signal wasn't great and calls would drop out so you'd have to wait until they got back to tell them about Cheryl's odd behaviour.

"Yes. Yes I have." There was something in Cheryl's eyes that made you lie. They darted to the door and when you glanced at it you could see a figure moven slightly behind the door.

"Do be a dear and sing the one about the pumpkin king who stole the maple princess. That one is my favourite." She said forcefully. You cleared your throat and nodded. Never. Have you ever? Been more glad that Betty insisted that you and Veronica joined her and Archie as he practiced his music. At least you could carry a convincing tune and you would have to make up the song. If someone had told you that morning that you would be spending your Halloween singing for Cheryl Blossom's life. You probably would have believed them. It was Riverdale after all.

"Um... Oh Riverdale, have you heard the tale... of our fair maple queen... princess." You started singing. Cheryl's smile tightened and she jerked a little. As you sang it had occurred to you that you could clearly see that no one was actually holding Cheryl. If you were close enough you could pull her and slam the front door. Which would give you just enough time to run into the trees that surrounded Cheryl's house. You tried to subtly motion your plan to Cheryl who nodded after the second time and seemed to understand. With a deep breath you grabbed at her arm and she yanked the door behind her. As the two of you ran there or scuffled and banged. Once concealed by the trees you turned back for a moment. They darted down the twisting driveway of the Blossom house. You motioned for Cheryl to stay quiet as you crept towards the old garage that was hidden in a clearing. Having secured a place to hide you sent a message to Jughead. It pinged back as unsent due to lack of signal so you tried again and again. Cheryl screamed as the garage door slammed open. You both jumped up and you dropped your phone just as the message was sent. 

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