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So first off! Welcome to my book! This is an Arcana Famiglia fanfiction. I love this anime and manga. I highly recommend it. I really wanted to see so many more books about the show on Wattpad but sadly there isn't so I will probably write more books on this show too. Hopefully.

So first off; I only own my own character which in this book is Stellae, no one else!

Second; is that some characters are really formal such as Sumire, Mondo, Jolly, Luca and so on so forth so some of this will be formal other parts won't be because I'm crap at formal stuff.

Third; By the time you read this book it will be finished I won't be adding anything unless it's updates on my other books but when this is published and you read this it's finished! Hopefully I will write another but I do have other two books to write too so idrk.

Fourth; I will be including my own scenes along with the shows too.

Fifth; I hope you like the Arcana Famiglia member I pick bc I love him he is literally my favourite character. You might guess from the title who endgame will be.

Sixth; This Arcana Famiglia book since its my first one it's going to follow the shows plot a bit yet with my own twist and turns.

Seventh; Any mean, crap, rude, nasty, bullshit comments will be deleted. I don't take shit from anyone. If you don't like my book fuck off. I hope other people will like it, so don't ruin the experience. Understood?

Eighth; I know I said the book will be finished when it's published but I would love it if you would comment please! And drop a follow! Thank you all you lovely people!!

Last but not least; I hope you like this book!

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