The arrow

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*Stellae's POV*

I pace up and down my office. My feet muffled with the red carpet on the floor. In one hand held the arrow that I caught in the woods days ago. And the other hand was running through my black locks.

40 days till the Arcana Duwelo.

This had been happening for the past three days after the hunt. I would get paperwork, finish it within the hour and then pace up and down office or bedroom. My thoughts whirling around in every direction possible. I would even ask Luca for a cup of tea or have a walk in the garden or spar but the more I did the more my thoughts kept coming back to the arrow, and telling Papa and Mama.

'AHHHHHHHHH!' I shout before throwing a dagger straight at my birch wood door. I was breathing heavily. I sigh.

I walk over to my doctor pull out the dagger that was there. I open the door as I place the dagger back in my belt sheath for it. I hold the arrow in my right hand. I head straight for the one person I need to tell this too.


       Papa's office

'When did it happen?' He says seriously as he reads over the note.

'On the hunt, it came from one of the tree's' I say matching his tone of voice.

'And you didn't tell me or Mama?' He asks finally looking up at me. His eyes looked dead. Like he had seen death himself. I give a low bow so I'm almost on the floor.

'Forgive me Papa, I didn't think it was that important as it was just an arrow aiming for me, and it was asking such a ridiculous thing I thought it wouldn't matter' I say. Once I rise his eyes soften, soften from that dead look to his Famiglia loves eyes.

'I understand but you need to tell us about these things in the future, it's the Papa and Mama's job to help with these things' He says giving me a wink. I reply with a fake smile before giving another small bow.

'Of course Papa' I say. I smile as I start to turn away.

'Star' I turn around and meet Papa's eyes again. He holds out his hand to me. I smile softly and walk over to him as I  place my hand in his. He pulls my hand a bit so I fall over but I land into one of his famous bear hugs. He rubs my back up and down. I give him a squeeze.

'Love you Stellae' He whispers in my ear.

'Love you Papa' I whisper back to him as a small tear fell from my eye and slowly ran down my cheek.


462 words

Sorry its short I just needed a breaking chapter before my next one anyway hope u enjoyed reading it!

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