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*Stellae's POV*

'Goodnight Dutchess..' Luca says leaving my room.

'Thank you Luca, goodnight....' He gives a small bow. Luca just finished up cleaning my wound saying I'll be as good as new by tomorrow. How did it heal so fast?

I sat on the balcony bars over looking the mansion grounds, looking around at my new family, as they walk around the grounds aimlessly and then I look to the moon. The moon that has brought me so much comfort over the years. The moon who was always there for me. There for me loosing my first fight. There when I won my first fight and won every other fight since. The moon who listened to me. The moon who was there for me when my parents weren't. I close my eyes slightly.

'What do I do old friend?' I whispered. 'How do I get me freedom back?' I open my eyes. 'Or is this my fate?' I ask. The moon was listening to me as always, and not answering any of my questions as usual. It was just shining down at me. 'Please answer me' I mumble, but no answer.

I close my eyes again. I listen to everything around me. The footsteps of my family. The trees and leaves moving in the wind. The crunching leaves. The howling dogs. The hooting owls. Amazing sounds. Yet none of them answered my questions.

This time using my nose I smell the dirt off the dogs. The smell of pine from the pine trees. The men's cologne. The hint of blood. The smell of roses, lillys, sunflowers, bluebells. The smell of the chefs cooking. Beautiful smells. Yet none of them answer my questions.

I sigh. 'Thank you' I mumble up to the sky. I never felt so empty. So useless. I stare up at the sky and the moon waiting, waiting for a sign, a purpose, a reason. But nothing came. No sign. No purpose. No reason.

'I'm on my own..' I mumble turning away from the moon towards my bed.


341 words!

Sorry its a short chapter I just needed a small chapter before I dove into the next chapter. Hope you liked it anyway.

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