Yeosang's Hunger - Part 1

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Yeosang was hungry. And not just hungry, he was starving. While his stomach tried to digest itself, Yeosang crept down the stairs, his arms hugging his small aching waist. To his horror and disappointment, Seonghwa was at the table with Hongjoong. The eldest hyung was leaning on the leader's chair, while Hongjoong typed away at his laptop. They both looked up as they heard the soft familiar footsteps approaching.

"You okay, Yeosang?" Seonghwa immediately inquired, his eyes filled with gentle concern.

Yeosang hesitated. Neither of his hyungs believed in snacking after dinner. Seonghwa believed it affected your sleep and was unhealthy, while Hongjoong had absolutely no sympathy for those who hadn't wanted to eat dinner. And when Hongjoong made a rule, he stuck stubbornly firm to it. "I just came for a glass of water, hyung."

Seonghwa nodded, though his brow remained furrowed. Hongjoong however, eyed him closely. He always seemed to be able to see right through Yeosang with his scrutinizing gaze.

"If you are hungry, Yeosang, the leftover dinner is in the fridge."

It took all of Yeosang's effort, not to screw up his nose. He wasn't even sure why he was so annoyed by the leader's words. Perhaps it was merely because he didn't want to be reminded he had no good reason to be hungry right now. "I'm not hungry, hyung."

Hongjoong looked annoyed at Yeosang's protest. "If you keep this up, Yeosang, I will make you have it for breakfast or lunch, depending on how many meals you will be willing to miss out on."

Yeosang turned away, but not before his hyungs had caught the eye roll.

"Yah!" Seonghwa scolded, looking mortified. "Apologize to Hongjoong."

Yeosang went to ignore him and climb the stairs again, when Hongjoong's quiet voice stopped him.

"Stop where you are, dongsaeng."

Yeosang knew the leader had called him that rather than his name to remind him, that despite being friends and fellow members, Hongjoong was still the hyung and leader who deserved his respect. Yeosang found himself slowly turning around to face him. He kept his flushing face bent low, suddenly embarrased and ashamed of his actions.

"Sorry, hyung. I was really disrespectful to you both."

Hongjoong didn't look like he had accepted the apology, but Yeosang relaxed slightly as Seonghwa flashed him a fond smile. Hongjoong pointed to the corner of the dining room.

"Go stand there for 5 minutes, hands in the air. I just got the group to be talking with each other, and you are already acting out again."

Yeosang flushed harder, and a tear escaped his eye. He quickly wiped it away and went to the corner. He closed his small fists and held both arms above his head. To add to his shame, Mingi and Jongho both entered the room to go grab a drink. They both passed him, staring at him with wide eyes.
Yeosang wished the earth would swallow him up. Being quiet and well-mannered, Yeosang rarely got in trouble by his hyungs and it was a running joke that he was the favourite and the golden child. So every time he was on the receiving end of Hongjoong's anger, it was a grand show to the other members. Yeosang knew for sure they would go straight to tell the others. Sure enough, after the two headed up stairs, Woo and San soon appeared under the pretense of also wanting to quench their sudden thirst. San looked sympathetic, but Woo couldn't contain his snickering.

Hongjoong looked up sharply, more annoyed that his concentration was broken, and not that Wooyoung was being a tease. "Wooyoung," he snapped. "Would you like to go stand beside Yeosang?"

Wooyoung quickly shook his head. "No, hyung. I am all good."

Seonghwa quickly went over to his two dongsaeng, putting an arm about San and the other about Wooyoung. He led them back to the stairs and gave them a gentle push. As he did so, he bent to whisper in their ears. "Hongjoong is having a hard time right now. It would be best to leave him alone."

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