A Really Bad Day

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It is a known fact that even the kindest people have their limits. People say that it is these, the quiet kind ones, that you shouldn't push beyond that limit because they can become the most scariest.

And that was true with Ateez. All members collectively agreed that San was that person. He was funny, kind and caring. If you needed a shoulder, he was the first to offer his for you to lean or cry on. If you were feeling down, he was always there to put a smile back on your face and lift your spirits again. If you were anxious, he would be there with encouraging words. If you felt like you weren't enough, he was there to tell you just how important and worthy you were. 

But even San had his bad days. Because even the happiest people cry sometimes. The bravest people still get scared. And the kindest can still snap.

And for San, today was one of those days. It was just little things at first, but as the day went by, it continued to get worse. It had all started when San had tried to have an early morning shower and the water wouldn't go hot. And then he couldn't find any clean socks to wear, and had had to borrow some off Wooyoung, but it turned out the pair Wooyoung gave him were his own anyway.

If that wasn't all enough, when he had gone to make cereal for his breakfast, it turned out someone had only left a tablespoon of milk in the bottle.

Maybe they were just small inconveniences, but they all piled up until San was feeling unbearably frustrated and miserable. He wanted nothing more than to just go back to bed and sleep the horrible day away, while hoping that tomorrow would be different. But unfortunately, they had a busy schedule that day. They spent a couple of hours that morning practicing, before heading out for a fan meeting and a concert. It was not usual to have them both the same day, but there had been some sort of muck up with management, and both events had been planned for the same day. 

As if the day wasn't bad enough, the traffic was incredibly slow and their van moved at the pace of a snail.

San stared out of the window, his hot flushed face pressed against the cold glass. His gaze drifted over the still cars, before drifting back to study the people who were in them. An elderly man sat stiff and upright, his hands resting on the steering wheel as he patiently stared at the cars ahead of him, waiting for a sign of movement. A young man was gesturing with his hands, his face holding a scowl, as he appeared to complain to the lady in the car with him. The lady didn't appear to be listening well as she stared at her phone, her expression seeming to be almost bored. In another car, a young girl was no longer even bothering to pay attention to the traffic, but instead had pulled out her mirror and was touching up her already perfect looking makeup.

San's gaze moved away from them and towards the bustling shops by the road. An elderly woman carrying her heavy groceries, was being stopped by a kind young man who was offering to take from her. A young child carrying a teddy bear, appeared to be animatedly reenacting out a story to his amused parents.

The sights calmed San, reminding him there was still goodness left out there in the world. Even if he himself was having a bad day, there were others out there who were happy and content. So San was happy for them.

But no sooner had he thought that to himself, a drunk man ambling passed, bumped into the elderly woman, causing her to fall. In his haste to catch her, the younger man dropped her bag and a jar shattered across the pavement. Distracted by the commotion, the parents hushed the child up and rushed to help them, leaving the child standing alone and startled.

San turned away with a sigh. It was a really bad day and everyone should have just stayed home.

They finally arrived at the venue when they did a couple of more touch ups with their stylists before heading out to greet their fans. It went quite well at first. San loved meeting his fans face to face. They poured out their love and admiration for the group, bestowed him with gifts, and told him much he had inspired them. It really meant a lot to San and he was always touched by their words.

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