
23 1 0

We were at the front door of Deku's house, I knocked and directly felt anxious. Sometimes I really want to punch myself in the face, why did I even agree with that shitty nerd?
Ochako opened the door and threw herself on my neck.
-Katsuki!-she said, while she was squeezing me hard.
I hugged her back slightly. She always thought of me as a close friend, well ever since she and Deku started going out to be specific, but that's not the point. She is alright but I can't bring myself to talk to her.
-Hey.-I said quietly and looked at Kirishima.
His eyes looked confused and slightly irritated.
What's his problem? Does he know her?
She let go off of me and turned cheerfully to him.
-Uraraka, nice to meet you!-she said, with a big bright smile on her face. She held her hand out, without even trying to cover her happiness.
I should really admit it, Deku hit the jackpot with her.
She had short, dark brown hair and dark eyes but they contained almost the same curiosity as Deku's. She was also really skinny, maybe it was because she worked at two places at the same time. She knew how to hide the bags under her eyes, with the light makeup she wore. I knew she never gets enough sleep. She had only one free day, from the whole week and she even skipped it sometimes. She damn well knew she is overworking herself of.
Deku was really trying to help her out, as much as he could, but she never accepted his financial support. I can't blame her, no one should depend on someone else. What if they decide to brake up? They should really not depend on each other.
She was wearing a black short dress,but the straps barely held on her weak shoulders. Also the pink waistcoat emphasized with her pink cheeks. I must admit she knows how to dress.
-Kirishima, the pleasure is mine!-he said with the same cheerfully tone.
They shook hands. So they don't know each other? What the hell was that look for earlier then?
-Come inside!-Deku yelled.
We took off our shoes and put our jackets on the hanger, completely ignoring Ochako's willingness to do it for us, she is a lady after all.
-Izuku!-Deku said cheerfully and pulled his hand out.
-Kirishima.—he, answered while shaking his hand.
-Kac-chan. We're going to sit outside. Do you want a blanket?-Deku anxiously turned to me.
-I'll just take my jacket.-I said quietly and went back to the hall.
The others went outside as i was taking my jacket off of the hanger.
-Katsuki!-exclaimed in astonishment, auntie Inko from behind me.
-Hey.-I said with a slight smile, while I was putting my jacket on.
-I'm so happy to see you!-she answered,
enthusiastically, until her gaze met my weak shoulders.
-How are you?-she asked with a guilty tone.
-Same as always.-I said quietly, with a little smile so I won't offend her.
Inko used to be my mother's best friend a long time ago. She was short and a little chubby woman in her thirties. She wore her dark green long, straight hair in a half ponytail. She had her pink sweater and jeans on. Her dark green eyes, worriedly looked at me like always.
Since they herd everything about me, from my father her and Deku couldn't stop worrying about me. I just want all of their pity to stop. I hate it when they look at me like that.
My thoughts were interrupted by her delight, when she noticed Kirishima.
He came from behind me and I didn't even notice him.
-Hello. I'm mr.s Midoriya.-she said, while she was extending her hand to him.
-It's so nice to meet you, my name is Kirishima.-he said formally and shook her hand.
-So I think we should all have a seat.-she continued, making us all go to the backyard.
We sat on the couches outside. The night was warm, but I almost started shaking.
Kirishima was standing confused at the door. Auntie Inko was getting the food and plates with Ochako. Deku took one of the couches, saving the place next to him for his girlfriend. I was standing on the other one and patted on the place next to me. Kirishima sat down like it was an order. It was my fault he had to come here in the first place. At least I could try to break the ice a little. Well it was Deku's fault actually but I'm the one who brought him anyway.
-I'm so happy you're going out with Kac-chan.-Deku said with his usual cheerfull tone to Kirishima.
-Oi Deku!-I yelled at him.
I hated it when he treated me like a child. Kirishima started laughing and blushed a little.
-It's more like I should be thankful, he gets out with me.-Kirishima said trough his laughter.
-By the way, why Deku?-he asked in confusion and waited for answer.
-Just a childhood nickname.-Deku answered with boredom.
-Only Kac-chan calls me that tho.-he added and looked at me.
I turned my sight the other side and they both laughed. What's so funny about that? They are just getting on my nerves now.
-Dig in!-auntie Inko said, while she was taking a seat on the chair next to me.
Nobody waited for a second invitation and we all started eating.
I wasn't hungry at all as in the last month but I forced myself to eat. I needed it, at least i had to try to gain back my weight. I lost five kilos for the last two months. Maybe more, I didn't count them.
-So how did you two met?-Ochako asked out of curiosity, while she was putting her plate down on the table.
-Accidentally.-I replied quietly.
-I bumped into him inadvertently.-Kirishima answered with a slight laughter and scratched the back of his neck.
So he does that when he's anxious. If I'm going to see him again I should pay attention to this stuff. It's a matter of time until I know exactly when he's going to lie to me. With a temper like mine you need to know what someone wants from you before he even asks. That's how I kick everyone out of my life. Deku and Ochako were the only exceptions.
Everyone surprisingly looked at me. They knew I never intended to make any friends. I wasn't trying at all, this time wasn't an exception too. He is just so cheeky and there's just something about him, that won't let me ignore him. Well at least not as much, as I ignore everyone else.
-So what do you do Kirishima?-Deku asked, while he was finishing his dish.
-Kiri is fine.-he started, a little anxious.
-I love writing actually.-he continued, but his voice sounded like he couldn't relax at all.
-I'm studying in England at the moment.-He finished.
-So far away?-Ochako asked with a surprised tone.
Really. It is too damn far away. What's he doing here then?
-I went part-time study this year, i have some family issues, but next year I'll get back. My family lives near the city, so here am I.-He explained in detail, so there won't be any misunderstandings.
We all went quiet.
-What do you like to write?-Deku asked, shooting him with his curious gaze.
-Hmm...Crime novels.-he said, without thinking it trough.
-I started one, not long ago, but it still needs more work.-he continued and reached across the table to get his cup of water.
-Sounds great!-Ochako exclaimed.
We all went quiet again. So he likes to write. Too bad i hate reading books, we won't get along at all.
I went to the bathroom, to clean myself. I checked my reflection in the mirror. I look so tired. The day was long for me, I'm literally exhausted. I splashed my face with water and looked at my phone. It was 11:14pm, yes it's late. I wiped myself with the towel for guests, i was the only one using it anyway, so I don't worry it's dirty.I finally went down stairs again.
Auntie Inko was pouring, from the matured rum I loved so much. I got my glass and drunk it in one breath. The alcohol made the pain in my throat fade a little. Probably because was burning it down. I don't usually drink, but I really needed it right now.
Kirishima looked at his phone and put it away again.
We talked about so much stuff. They were talking if i have to be honest. I was quiet most of the time, so I won't push my luck, like earlier. Well not only because of that I don't like talking in general. I kept on pouring rum in my cup, while I listened to them.
-I'm going to go.-I finally said and got up from the couch, feeling a little dizzy.
I used to hold my liquor well, but my weight now won't allow me to do that.
-I'll take you home.-Kirishima said anxiously.
-It was so nice to have you here.!-Deku said, as he was sending us off to the door.
-Thank you for having me tonight.-Kirishima said with a tired tone.
-Kac-chan.-Deku turned to me.
-Mm?-I snorted, with a questionable tone.
This usually means "What?". He was used to my mumbling and understood me every time.
-Call from time, to time.-he said with a serious tone.
-Mm.-I mumbled quietly again.
This time my tone was more like "Okay."
He nodded in approval, which i translated to "understood" and he closed the door behind us.
We were walking up the street in silence. The alcohol started kicking in my system and it was hard for me to walk in straight line. I tried my best not to show it tho, I don't want to look like a lightweight I actually was.
-Are you alright?-Kirishima asked me, when we got in front of my door.
So he noticed I'm dizzy after all. Is that why he offered to take me home? No way, his car is parked here, I'm just imagining things.
-Yeah.-I said quietly.
-Okay, I'm going to leave then.-he said a little worried.
-Do you want to come in and watch a movie?-I asked amazed from myself.
Katsuki, the fact that you're drunk doesn't mean shit. You're not lonely! Actually I am...I was arguing with myself.
-Sure, why not.-Kiri said, with a slight smile.
We went inside and took off our shoes. I invited him to sit on the sofa. He removed the shirt from his waist and took a seat.
-Choose a movie.-I said and gave him the remote.
I went to my room. I put on my gray sweatpants and a black T-shirt, which was too big for me now. It used to fit me pretty well... I got back to the living room. Kirishima was so concentrated into the task I gave him.
-Oi Shitty hair! You want anything to drink?-I asked with irritated tone.
I was confused why I invited him in the first place. I think I really need a friend after all. Wait, wait, hold up your horses! You're not softhearted, neither you are desperate. Yeah, I'm not. But I'm lonely after all. Deku doesn't need to worry about me even more than he already is. A stranger was the answer to fixing your problems? I don't fucking know, he is different somehow. I was arguing with myself again, until Kirishima interrupted me.
-Whatever's fine, just not alcohol, I need to get home after all.-He explained and smiled at me.
-Which movie did you pick?-I asked, as i was putting two glasses of water on the table.
-"All the bright places".-he said, still concentrated on the screen.
-Why romance?-I asked furiously.
-Love tragedy!-he corrected me.
-The same shit.-I snorted, still mad about his choice.
-It's not! Besides, it's my favourite, but the book is definitely better.-Kiri argued back and stared the movie, without letting me say anything else.
I put all of my attention on the screen. Let's see how the hell is this different from the romance bullshit. We defeated won't get along. Well I tried, tomorrow I'm getting back into my lonely and boring life.
Surprisingly the movie was okay. I had one or two things in common with the main character. It still wasn't good enough.
-The ending is shitty.-I said, as the final inscriptions were on the screen.
-I think it's beautiful.- Kiri striked on the contra again.
-I don't see any meaning, behind it.-I said and stopped my gaze at his eyes.
-Maybe you'll see it, if you read the book.-he argued again and smiled at me.
-Maybe.-I said dryly.
I don't read though. There's no point in drowning at some pages. Words are just words, at the end of the day. Why should i loose my time with them?
It was 03:20 a.m.
-Is that you?-Kirishima asked, stopping his gaze at my childhood picture with Deku.
-Who else could it be?-I asked with visible irritation.
I hate stupid questions. They irritate the shit out of me.
-You look exactly the same.-Kirishima said, with a slight laughter.
-What the hell is that supposed to mean?-I asked furiously.
-Exactly that! You have the same furious expression.-he said and started laughing.
-Haa?-I snorted furiously ,trying to understand what the hell he was talking about.
-Why are you so pissed off, all the time?-he asked directly, while he was trying to calm down his laughter.
-A lot of things piss me off.-I said dryly.
-Like what?-he asked with curiosity.
-Dumb questions, repeating sentences, someone putting his nose in my busses, pity...-I stopped talking, when I saw the way he was trying his hard not to laugh.
-Did I said something funny?-I asked more furiously.
-Don't get mad. Just enjoy the life you have.-Kiri said and started laughing hard.
Like there was something for me to enjoy. My nerves were eating me up from the inside sometimes, I'm just built like that. I get mad easily. I am direct and I don't tolerate someone trying to do whatever he wants with me. Everything had a line of course. I know what I'm capable of, or at least what I used to be. I'm not scared to beat the crap out of anyone who doesn't get the hint.
-Whatever.-I said dryly and rolled my eyes.
-Thank you for tonight.-Kirishima said, looking at me with hia big bright eyes, like a lost puppy.
-I enjoyed it a lot and i hope we'll see each other again. I need to go now, since it's late and you're probably tired.-he explained, as he was looking deep into my eyes.
Well until you said it i didn't know i was tired, so thanks for nothing I guess. I actually enjoyed his company, maybe it's the liquor or the difference in our behaviour. I won't admit I enjoyed it to him tho. He is nothing special, why should I feed his ego?
-I'll text you later.-he stated, while he was putting on his shoes.
-Whatever you say.-I answered quietly.
I'm probably not going to reply but it doesn't matter.
-Night.-he said, with the same quiet tone and got out.
-Night.-I answered quietly again and stared at him, while he was getting in the car. He took off and I closed the front door.
I put the glasses in the sink and started turning the lights off, when my sight met his shirt standing on the sofa. I took it, turned the light off and went to my room. I sat down on my bed and put my nose in his shirt. It smelled like strong perfume.
The fuck am I doing? My inside voice started yelling at me. I was just curious if we use the same perfume to be honest.
I pulled out my phone and started sliding my fingers on the keyboard.

Shitty hair, you forgot your shirt.

I sent the message and put the shirt on the chair. My phone vibrated almost immediately after I sent the text. I took it again to check hia reply. Was he on a stand by for me to text? Isn't he driving?

Shitty Hair

Take it.

I don't need it! I put my phone on the charger and went to brush my teeth. I felt the liquor making me even more relaxed. I fell asleep, without texting back. What the hell am I doing?

Author's note:
Well, happy late birthday to Kiripima I honestly wrote about his birthday but we are way too far from that chapter. I'm thankful to y'all who spent some time to read my work, I really hope you enjoy it. Well that's it for today, again excuse me if I left some mistakes after the correction! I'm translating it from my own language/it was easier to write it that way/ to English. I do reread it after the transition and fix whatever i have to but still i worry I missed some. Drink some water and take rest guys ❤️

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