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It was 03:45am. Kirishima and I were at a parking lot, near some restaurant. He was talking with full mouth again and I listened to him with interest. I was eating the last bites from my food. The whole night was confusing. And the most strange thing was I wasn't tired at all, but that didn't matter right now. I felt okay. In my body, in his car, with him in general. He made me feel okay.
-Can I ask you something?-Kirishima turned to me, still chewing his food.
-Ask.-I said and waited for his question.
-What perfume do you use?-he asked.
Perfume? What does it matter?
-Hm, I don't know the brand, why?-I asked him back, confused.
-Well, you always smell like caramel, I just wondered.-he said and smiled at me.
-I just like the aroma.-I started, visibly not finding any sense in the conversation.
-What about yours?-I asked him, trying to copy his calm intonation.
-Mine is cinnamon scented, I can't remember the brand though. But I like it a lot.-he said.
Now that I really think about it, it always smelled like cinnamon after he was at my place. At the beginning he smelled more like cigarettes and the cinnamon scent was covered. Not that I complained. As much as I hated the whole cigarette thing, when it was on him it was kinda good. Every time I smell cinnamon I remembered his red dumb spiky hair. His black bandana that was going along with his black ripped jeans. About him in general.
-Kirishima?-I said confusingly, as I stated at his hair.
-What?-he asked back, with the same confusion.
-You have black roots?-I asked.
-Oh, yeah. You thought i was naturally red head?-he said and checked himself in the mirror.
-So you dye your hair?-I asked again.
He started laughing.
-Yeah, I like it better that way. Is there a problem with that?-he asked a little concerned.
-No dumb face! You just missed some spots.-i snorted.
-I didn't. Truth is, I haven't been able to fix it the past two months. My mother is busy with work, so she can't do that for me. I never learned how to dye it on my own, so my roots are out.-he explained, as i was still looking at his hair.
-Do you have hair dye?-I asked again and met his eyes.
-Umm, yeah.-he answered confused.
-I'm going to fix it for you.-I stated and started collecting the trash from the car.
-Really? Do you know how to do it?-he asked surprised.
-Of course dumbass. Name one thing I can't do!-I said with a cocky tone. I was nagging him.
-Well talking about feelings.-he said and smiled at me.
He's mocking me!
-Shut it Shitty Hair!-I growled at him.
-So we are going to my place then.-he said and started the car, completely ignoring me.
-As you say.-I said and put on my belt.
The trip was around thirty minutes and we finally got in front of a house with a white fence. Kirishima got out of the car, to open the gate and parked inside the yard. I got out and started looking around. It's the first time I'm going to see his place.
-Come in.-he invited me and tilted his head to the front door.
I went after him. We were in the hallway and the strong cinnamon aroma hit my nostrils. Well he lives here after all. I should've expected that. I saw two dobermans running to us.
-Hey girls!-he greeted them and bent down.
-This on the left is Aris, and on the right is Nera.-he introduced them to me and started patting their heads.
-They only look scary.-he said again and reached for my hand.
I gave it to him and he let the dogs sniff me. I smiled at them. They're pretty. After they finished sniffing me, they started circling around my legs and almost made me fall on the floor. I started petting them. I love dogs, especially big ones. They're pretty and can gives you security at the same time.
-Well my mother isn't home, so we're alone.-Kiri stated and reached for my hand again.
He interviewed our fingers again and pulled me to the kitchen, after that to the living room. Aris and Nera were following us the whole time. His house looks nice. It feels like home. We finally reached his room and the dogs stopped at the door. We went inside and he closed the door after us.
His room was red. Well I expected that. He had a big desk and next to it was hanging a mirror on the wall. He had a couch and a king sized bed. I looked all over the room. It was nice. My bed was small in contrast with his. I got in front of the wardrobe. It had pictures glued on it. There was one with his friends. One with his mother. I assume this was his roommate in England on that one, and finally we have the only picture we both have. He made it a little after we met. Well it wasn't made with my concern so i was looking to the other side, but he was smiling. After that I looked at the red leather couch, which was next to the desk. I looked at the ceiling, it had stars glued on it.
-What's their meaning?-I asked pointing at the stars.
Kirishima looked where i was pointing.
-Well that's my constellation!-he said happily.
-Which is?-I asked again, just now realising I don't know when his birthday is.
I have no clue what his sign is too. Not that it matters, but it's important to him.
-Libra.-he said with a happy face.
I was standing still and looking around the room, while he was pulling out a hair dye a bow and a brush.
-When is your birthday Shitty Hair?-I asked guilty and quietly.
-On the sixteenth of October.-he answered, without getting distracted from mixing the dye.
October? Wait his birthday is two days before my surgery!
-Where are we going to celebrate?-I asked again, getting closer to him.
-Hm? What do you mean? I don't celebrate.-he started still concentrated into mixing the fucking hair dye.
-That's strange, I thought you liked your birthday.-I answered visibly confused.
-Mmm I don't hate it. I'm getting old anyway It's not important to me.-he said with a slight laughter.
Kirishima was about to be twenty two. So we have about two year difference. And I'm just now learning this shit! I really didn't show any interest in him. No wonder he thought I won't return his feelings. Shit I just learned when his birthday is!
-Do you want to put something different on? You might get dirty.-he asked, interrupting my thoughts again.
-No, I'm good.-I stated.
He sat on the chair next to the desk and put his hands on the backrest and tilted his head back.
I started running my hands trough his hair and removed the bandana from his head. I started to put the dye slowly and carefully.
Kirishima started talking about the pictures. What happened on the day they were took it, or when it happened. I was listening to him because i was interested in his story, but my concentration was on his hair. I felt guilty I didn't know anything about him.
-Okay, you're done.-I stated and ran my hand, trough my hair.
I wanted to put it out of my face.
-Thanks....-Kirishima said and his gaze went on me.
He blinked a few times and started laughing at me.
-What the fucking hell now?-I asked irritated.
-You said you're going to be careful!-he said again, trough his laughter and pointed at my head.
I went closer to the mirror and finally understood what dumb shit I just did. I brushed trough my hair, with the red gloves I used to dye his hair with. Now i have red in my fucking hair.
Kirishima took off my gloves and dragged me to his bathroom. Which was also big. One of the walls was a fucking mirror. He also had a bigg ass bathtub.
-Sit on the carpet and let your head fall back.-Kirishima said with a soft voice and waited for me to do what he said.
I listened to him and did as he said. He started washing my hair carefully, as he was slowly brushing his fingers trough it. He put a almonds scented shampoo on my head and started rubbing it carefully. I felt so relaxed. It was nice. The way he washed my hair and how gentle he was touching my head.
-And we're all done.-he said, as he was stopping the water and put a towel on my head.
He started to slowly rub it, trying to dry my hair. I was still sitting on the carpet, waiting for him to finish.
-Oi Shitty Hair?-I said anxiously.
Kirishima snorted at me, waiting for me to ask what i was about to.
-How many tattoos do you have and how do they look?-I asked a little guilty.
-I have three. Well I actually plan on getting a new one soon. I have one on my ankle, on my arm and on my thigh.-he said happily.
On his arm? I really didn't notice it till now? Kirishima stood up in front of me and gave me his hand, so he can pull me from the ground. I took his hand and stood up as well.
He rolled up the sleeve of his shirt.
-This one is my mother's birthday date.-he explained and pointed at the Roman numerals written on his forearm.
After that he rolled up his sweatpants showing me a little pizza slice, tattooed on his ankle.
-This one is really strange to be honest. Me, Mina, Sero and Denki have one piece of the pizza. We were getting home from the bar and started complaining how hungry we are. We went to Sero's studio, to drink the last bottle we left there and decided to order pizza. After that Denki said "It'll be so cool if we all have a slice tattooed on our ankles to match!" And we all agreed.-he explained in detail and smiled.
Yeah it really is strange, but it sounds like they were having fun. I started laughing at the absurd pizza slice story.
-We all have a lot of good memories, so the pizza stands for all of them.-he said again and pulled my hand.
We went back to his room and he took off his sweatpants, as he sat down on the bed. He blushed slightly and pointed at his thigh. I looked at the direction he was pointing, trying not to look anywhere else. I didn't want to make this even awkward than it already is.
-That's my first tattoo actually.-he said anxiously.
It was a big red rose with a blue butterfly landing on the flower. Under it was written a date.
-I know it looks strange for a guy and it might not look so manly, but it has a deep meaning.-he started talking.
I nodded, ready to hear the story.
-It stands for my last clear memory with my grandpa. I was about nine years old and he took me to the park. He was trying to teach me how to ride a bike and promised he'll get me ice cream, if I managed to do it that day. Well i fell so much times and my knees were bruised, but I finally did it. We went for an ice cream and saw that beautiful butterfly landing on the rose. I took the rose home for my mother. After we got home, he put one of those bandages, with the sharks on them over my scratched fingers. He smiled at me. That was the last day he was feeling good. After that he got sicker and weaker...-Kirishima finished his story with a sad smile.
He put back on his sweatpants and sat on the bed. I sat next to him and squeezed his thigh lightly.
-It's beautiful and manly Shitty hair. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If they do, I'll punch them!-I said quietly and smiled at him.
He put his hands over me and pulled me for a hug. He looked happy. At that moment his alarm rang.
-I'm going to wash my hair now. Now we'll see if you're actually good at this.-he mocked me with a smirk on his face.
-Tch.-i snorted.
He went out of the room. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. The dye stayed for a little while on my hair, but i had a pink stain in front of my face. I got embarrassed. It doesn't suit me at all. I brushed my hair with my fingers and went back to the bed. I laid on it and looked at the stars again. They actually looked pretty. I think i should decorate my room too. It's really fucking ugly in contrast with his.
Kirishima got back and went to the mirror.
He started to look at his hair searching for black spots.
-Woow! I'm impressed, you actually did a great job.-he said amazed.
-Hell yeah! Told you i can do everything!-I answered nagging him.
-Don't get cocky now.-he said mocking me.
-Tch.-i snorted.
He started going around the room putting clothes on, and i was refusing to look at him. I stood up from the bed, when I heard T.N.T. By AC/DC. I looked around the room and spotted the little speakers put all over the place.
-I like playing some music when I'm fixing my hair. You can choose a different song if you want to. I think that one is perfect though.-he said and sat down in front if the mirror, pulling out a hairdryer.
-Whatever you choose.-i said and listened to the song.
He plugged the hairdryer and started drying his hair.
-Give it to me.-I said as i was walking to him.
He looked at me confused and gave me the dryer and a brush. I started drying his long hair, as i was carefully combing his hair with the brush. Kirishima relaxed himself into the chair. He was humming to the song.
I finally stopped the dryer and put it down on the desk. He put his hair in a low ponytail and looked at himself again in the mirror.
-Thank you.-he said and stood up in front of me.
-Mhmm.-i snorted in answer and looked at him.
He looked handsome as always.
The song was different but I didn't pay it any attention. I was tired now. Kirishima was putting everything back to it's place and hummed to the song.
-Shitty Hair....I'm sleepy.-I stated and felt my eyelids getting heavier.
-Do you want to stay here tonight, or you want me to take you home?-he asked as he was turning off the music.
-I'll stay.-I said and crawled under the blankets on his big ass bed.
Kirishima threw a sweatpants at me and I didn't wait for an invitation to put them on. I buried my head in the pillow and his aroma filled my nostrils.It feels so intoxicating. I turned around to see what he was doing. He was putting a sheet on the couch.
I sat up and looked at him confused.
-The hell are you doing?-I asked, still confused.
-Making my bed? Where am I supposed to sleep?-he asked back, with a slight laugh.
-You sleep on the bed. I'll take the couch.-I said and stood up from the bed.
Kirishima got closer to me and pushed me back on the bed. He got on top of me and pierced me with his calm eyes. His arms were on each side of my head and his leg was between my legs. I was studying the situation and started to blush. He leaned down and i felt his hot breath on my neck.
-Katsuki.-He whispered in my ear.
Shit! I got goosebumps all over my body. I was staring blankly at the ceiling. Is he mad at me? Doesn't look like it. The way he whispered my name with his deep, but gentle voice was ringing inside my head. Shit this is getting dangerous. I felt anxious. Kirishima placed a little kiss under my ear and I felt the place heating up from his soft lips.
He got up to face me again and smiled.
-If you insist that much...I'll sleep with you.-he said and gave me the happy grin.
-I don't insist! The house is yours. Sleep wherever you want.-I said and pushed him off of me.
I turned my back to him and covered myself with the blanket. He laid down next to me and I felt his warm fingers burning trough my t-shirt. He was drawing something on my back.
The fuck is his problem? Why did he had to do this earlier!? I was angry about what he did, but i have to admit i like his warm gentle fingers running trough my back and neck. Fucking hell, I swear he'll end me before anything else has the chance to do so. My heart is trying to beat the fuck out of my chest. My eyes started to close. Kirishima was brushing his fingers trough my hair, without giving any trace of stopping soon. I closed my eyes and gave up to my tired eyes.
I felt Kirishima's hot breath on top of my ear again. He whispered so gently to me and made my eyes water. Shit I feel like crying right now. He really knows how to touch my soul....

Author's note:
Well it's been a while again  to be honest I feel demotivated to translate my work at the moment so I just do it when I remember it exists lately I'm demotivated about everything so please be patient with me I ain't going to leave it unfinished so stay tuned. Drink some water and take some rest y'all ❤️

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