Chapter 3

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By the 3 O'clock the next day, Richard met Prof. Grace in her office. "Good afternoon Ma'am," Richard greeted as he entered the office.
"Good afternoon, how are you doing," she asked.
"I am doing okay," Richard responded.
"How are your studies?" She asked again.
"Excellent ma'am" Richard responded. "Good, that's what I love to hear," Prof. Grace said. "So, have you decided yet?"
"Yes I have, but only if it will be three times in a week," Richard conditioned.
"Three times is quite enough," the Professor agreed.
"Please sit there and let me finish some of my work before I will take you to my house and introduce you to my daughter," she added and Richard sat on a cushion opposite to her. She worked for about 30 minutes before she finally finished.
"Sorry I've kept you waiting, we can go now," Mrs Grace said as she stood up.
She walked out of the office with Richard behind her and headed towards the faculty car park. They entered her car which was a white Range Rover sport and drove out of the faculty.
She drove the car for about 10 minutes before arriving at her house in the staff quarters. It was fenced with yellow flowers with a small space left for the entrance. It is painted white and has sliding windows. The doors were black, and the veranda was completely covered in white tiles.
All the houses in the area were similar in structure and were arranged in queues. Prof. Grace parked her car in front of her house and walked towards the entrance of the house with Richard walking behind her.
When they entered the living room of the house, Richard was so impressed by its beauty. All the cushion in it were white and the painting of the walls was blue. "Rebecca!" Prof. Grace shouted as she sat on one of the cushions.
"Yes mum," answered a thin voice from one of the rooms.
"Please sit down," she gestured Richard with her hand.
About 5 minutes later, the girl walked into the living room. She was wearing a zebra T‐shirt with black skinny jeans. Her hair was all loose falling on her back with a headband.
The instance Richard made eye contact with her, his heartbeat increased. Even though it was the fourth time he was seeing her, he felt as if it was the first because of how beautiful she looked. She looked so much different from they argued when she was wearing a school uniform.
"Welcome back mum," the girl said standing before her mother.
"Thank you, what were you doing in the room?" Prof. Grace asked.
"Nothing mum," she answered.
"Alright, meet Richard; he is going to be your Mathematics and Physics teacher," Prof. Grace introduced.
"What? Are you serious mum?" Rebecca asked looking completely shocked as she turned to look at Richard.
"Do I look like I'm joking?" Prof. Grace retorted with a serious face.
"But mum he can't be my teacher, just take a look at how young he is. What do you people will say if they see him as my teacher?" Rebecca asked with a tear about to fall from her eyes.
"I have made my decision and that's final. If you don't want him as your mathematics teacher, then your grades should improve," Prof. Grace conditioned.
"But mum, I am in SS2, how can someone like him teach me?" Rebecca questioned, and this time, tears started falling from her eyes.
Seeing her reaction, Richard felt he shouldn't accept the role of being her teacher. He was about to speak when Prof. Grace continued talking.
"For your information, this boy had the best result in the whole faculty of engineering. You should be honoured to have him as your teacher," Prof. Grace said and Rebecca ran to her room crying.
"She is not serious, she doesn't like studying at all," Prof. Grace complaint after Rebecca left. "But I think it will be better to find a better teacher for her since she doesn't seem to like me," Richard suggested.
"No Richard, you will be the one to teach her. Let her improve her grades if really she doesn't want you to be her teacher," Prof. Grace insisted.
"Please, report her to me if she shows any sign of disrespect towards you," Prof. Grace added.
"Alright, ma'am" Richard agreed.
"Rebecca!" she called but there was no answer.
"Don't let me call you again," the Professor warned.
About a minute later, Rebecca walked out with tears all over her face. "Go and get him something to eat," Her mother ordered and she turned with a frowned face and walked to the kitchen.
"Please no need for that, I ate before we came here," Richard said as he stood in order avoid more awkwardness.
"Oh please Richard, do eat something. Was it not after you had 2-hour lectures that I brought you here? Just sit and wait for her to bring something for you to eat," Prof. Grace insisted.
Richard sat back on the cushion waiting for Rebecca to return. About 5 minutes later, she returned with some food on a plate.
It was cooked spaghetti and beans with stew. She was facing the ground as she walked to him. She dropped the food on the ground in front of him and turned to leave when her mother called her.
"Don't you have manners? Go to the dining room and get him a stool, "her mother commanded and the girl walked angrily towards the dining room.
Richard was very uncomfortable with the way Prof. Grace was ordering her daughter around because of him. He was pretty sure that he has to pay the price for everything later. She returned with the stool and kept it close to him and turned to leave the living room.
When she got to exist in the living room, she turned and glared at Richard with a very unfriendly look and continued walking. At that moment, he knew a very serious war was going to happen between them.
He started eating the food she brought and found it very delicious; he wanted to make some compliments on the food, but he won't dare say things to Prof. Grace about her daughter.
After he was done eating, he stood up to leave. "Thank you, ma'am, I am so grateful," Richard appreciated.
"Don't mention is dear," Prof. Grace replied. "So when are going to start the lesson with her?" Prof. Grace asked.
"By tomorrow in the evening," Richard said. "Alright, I will be expecting you," Prof. Grace replied.
Richard walked out of her house and headed towards his dormitory. It was then that he came to appreciate him being at the extreme of the school close to the staff quarters. He walked by the side of the road as he headed to his dormitory.
Despite spending months in school, it was the first time he had been to the staff quarters. He looked around and wondered how fun it will be living in a place like that with all the house similar.
As he was walking his way back to his dormitory, he met Janet going to the staff quarters. She was walking with three girls who happened to be her friends.
Immediately she saw him, she quickly looked away. They walked past each other as if they had never met.
It was after they walked a certain distance that one of the girls called out Richard's name. "Can we have a word with you?" the girl questioned.
"Please Carol, what's the meaning of this? Have a word with him? Who does he think he is? I know of many boys many that are more intelligent and are not arrogant, so please let him continue being arrogant," Janet said angrily.
Immediately Richard heard that he furiously walked towards Janet. He stood close to her and they looked at each other angrily.
"If you have known a boy that was as half-intelligent as I, you wouldn't be this dull, pathetic, arrogant and stupid bitch. Just because you are beautiful, don't think you can use anyone the way you like," Richard insulted.
Upon hearing that, Janet extended her hand and slapped Richard. The sound of the slap echoed the whole environment. Richard placed his right hand on his right cheek where she slapped him with his face turned away from her.
The whole place was quiet watching was happening. Richard slowly turned and saw Janet in tears. Before he could do anything, Janet collapsed on the spot, and her friends quickly ran to her.
Richard instantly became confused about why she collapsed.
"Please, we need help," one of Janet friends shouted.
Richard did not take them seriously because he didn't see any reason why she should collapse. If there is there anyone to collapse, he should be the one, he thought.
Soon, people gathered around them and she was taken into a car with her friends. The car headed towards the University clinic which was located somewhere in the centre of the university.
About 15 minutes later, Richard went to the clinic and was told that she was taken university teaching hospital.
It was then that he realized that the problem was more serious than he expected. He asked the nurse for an explanation on why she collapsed, and she explained to him that she had a heart problem that makes her react like that whenever she is angry. At that moment, Richard regretted fighting with her and wished he hadn't said those things he said.
The next day, Richard went his lectures early in the morning as usual. He was the first person to be in the lecture hall. So he sat at the first seat and watched as everyone walked in.
He was expecting to see Janet, but she didn't come even after their lecturer arrived. As the lecturer was about to walk into the lectures hall, Paul quickly walked in before him because the lecturer does not allow anyone to walk in after he has.
Paul looked around and noticed an empty seat beside Richard and he knew it was reserved for him. He quickly walked to Richard and sat on the seat beside him.
"I wonder what you always do in the morning that makes you come late for lectures," Richard nagged.
"I have been asking myself that too, but I couldn't come up with an answer," Paul responded.
"Well, you better get yourself together or you regret it later," Richard advised.
"Alright dad, I will take note of that," Paul responded jokingly.
The lecturer walked to the stage of the hall, and soon he started his lecture.
About 15 minutes later, Paul leaned on Richard and whispered in his ear. "Tell me what happened between you and Janet yesterday, I heard you two had a fight," Paul said.
"Let's talk about this after the lectures," Richard replied.
"Alright, if you insist."
Immediately after the lecture was over, many of Richard's colleague's began asking for what happened between him and Janet. Most of them thought he was unfair towards her and he was being arrogant.
"It was never my fault, besides, I wouldn't have argued with her if I had known she was sick," Richard responded.
"How could it not be your fault? We have all seen how you ignored her other day as if she wasn't talking to you," one of the boys said.
"Hey, why are you all blaming me for what happened to her? Had it been you have seen how she ignored me the other day, you won't blame.
We talking in front of Hall 3S, but immediately after seeing another boy, she left me with no goodbye. And what provoked me most was the fact that she ignored me while I was calling, pretending I wasn't existing," Richard explained.
"So that means you were jealous," one of the girls surrounding him said.
"No I wasn't, I was provoked. Had it been she sent me off in a nice way, I wouldn't have been pissed off," Richard explained.
Despite all his explanations, most of his colleagues still thought he was at fault and he didn't blame them because he was told that she was seriously ill because of him. Around 2 O'clock, Richard walked back to his room in the dormitory.
He cooked rice and beans and ate it as his lunch. By the time he was done eating, it was already some minutes after 3 O'clock. Immediately he was done eating, he headed towards the staff quarters. He arrived at Prof. Grace House's about 10 minutes later. He rang the doorbell and he was very surprised to see a very little boy opening the door.
"How may I help you?" the little boy questioned.
"Is the Professor around?" Richard asked.
"If you are referring to my mother, then no," the little boy responded.
"Do you live here?"Richard asked the little boy.
"Yes, of course, I'm her son," the boy replied.
"Oh I'm sorry; I never knew she had a little boy like you. So where is your sister?" Richard asked.
"She is here," the boy said as he opened the door for Richard.
When he entered the living room, he found Rebecca lying on a three sitter cushion with a headphone in her ears while going through her phone.
She was wearing a black shirt and blue trousers. Richard couldn't resist noticing how glamorous she looked. At that time, he forgot about his position and couldn't stop himself from staring at her.
When Rebecca turned, Richard quickly looked away with his heart beating faster. As far as he could remember, he had never felt like around any other girl. He tried and controlled him himself as he walked to her, and she quickly sat up when she saw him approaching.
She removed the headphone from and stared at him angrily. At that moment, Richard somehow started feeling scared to talking to her. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and pretended to be going it.
"Where should we have the lesson," Richard finally asked after about a minute.
"I don't know," Rebecca responded.
Richard stopped operating and looked up into her eyes. She was still glaring at him angrily as if he had murdered her entire family.
"Look, Rebecca, I don't like this lesson too but my respect for your mother is above my personal interest.
If someone should respect your mother that much, why shouldn't you?" Richard asked.
"And who told you I don't respect my mother."
"Your attitude towards me says so," Richard responded.
"If at all you do respect your mother, you will cooperate with me to teach you. I want you to know that I don't have an interest in you," Richard bragged.
"I tired of listening to all these nonsense," she said and stood up and left to her room.
At that moment, Richard tried to call Prof. Grace and inform her of what happened. He hesitated for a moment knowing that it will create more scenes if he does that. He walked to the door of her door and tried talking to her.
"I know you do hate me, but if you don't come out, I will be left with no option but to call your mother," Richard informed. "Then why don't you just call her?" she replied from her room.
"Because I know it won't end well if I do that," Richard responded. "So please come out and let's do this," Richard pleaded. He waited for about 5 minutes, but she didn't come out or say a thing.
He then made up his mind and dialled the Professor's number. It rang for a moment before she finally picked the call.
"Give me a minute Richard, I will be there," Prof. Grace said when Richard informed her.
About fifteen minutes later, he heard the Professor's car parking at the frontage of the house. She walked into the house angrier than Richard had ever seen her. "Rebecca!" she shouted upon entering the living the room. "Get your ass out here," she declared angrily.
About a minute later, Rebecca walked out of her room. The instance she got to where her mother was, she received a slap on the face. There was total silence in the living room. Richard became totally surprised at Prof. Grace and regretted calling her.
He never thought she could touch her daughter because of him. Suddenly, Rebecca placed her two hands on the face and started crying out loud.
"Let me tell you something if you don't behave yourself, be ready to receive the worst from me," Prof. Grace cautioned.
"You will never leave this house, watch TV or operate your phone ever again if I don't see an improvement in your grades at the end of this term," she conditioned.
"Go and sit at the dining table and wait for her to come out with her books," Prof. Grace instructed.
Richard did as instructed, and about five minutes later, Rebecca walked out of her room with her school bag. She was still crying as she walked towards the dining table.
She sat beside him and brought out her Mathematics textbook.
"I will be going out again, don't let me hear anything about you again," Prof. Grace warned and left the house.
Rebecca laid her head on the table kept crying. Richard became speechless and out of words to say. Somehow, he blamed himself for what happened to her.
She cried for more than 20 minutes before she finally looked up.
"You know my mother has never laid a finger until today. She even slapped me because of you," Rebecca said with her face all wet with tears.
"I know something like this would happen, that's why I tried to make you understand, but you left me with no option but to tell her."
"I wish you die soon because I really hate you," Rebecca said out of anger.
"Is okay if to hate me, but please let's just do what your mother wants to avoid making things more complicated," Richard replied.
He took one of her textbooks and tried teaching her, but she folded watched him angrily as he was teaching her.
When Richard noticed how angry she was, he decided to end the lesson.
"I will be leaving now, I come back the day after tomorrow," Richard announced as he stood up, but Rebecca did not say a word nor look at him.
He walked out of the house and headed towards his hostel. He arrived at his room looking very exhausted.
"Are you coming from a lecture?" asked the elderly man in his room.
"Yes I am," Richard replied as he lied on his bed.
"But you need to eat first before you will rest," the man advised.
"Alright, I will do that," Richard answered.
The elderly man handed Richard a plate filled with food.
"Thank you" Richard smiled as he received the plate.
By the time he finished eating, it was already 4:30 pm, and he thought he had no time to rest because he has some assignments to do. He took his laptop with some of his books and left.
This might be the last Episode since the comments are not encouraging 😓

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