Steven And Margaret Lashing Out At Each Other

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Steven: I hate you, Margaret.

Margaret: Well, I hate you too, you no good scumbag.

Steven: Shut up!

Margaret: No, you shut up! You're always talking during bedtime!

Steven: I'm a night owl! What do you expect?!

Brandon: Guys, cut it out!

Steven: You know, Margaret? If you have a problem with me, you need to speak up!

Margaret: Same applies to you, jerk!

Kyle: Guys, come on!

Margaret: And, another thing! Why are you always singing songs so late at night? You're disturbing everyone!

Steven: Well, then you need to speak up!

SkittishReflections: Okay, you two! Knock it off! All you two do is banter! You are acting like a couple of kids! Steven, how old are you?

Steven: 40.

SkittishReflections: And, how old are you, Margaret?

Margaret: 28.

SkittishReflections: Then, you guys need to grow up! Just settle this like adults! If you guys hate each other, then keep your distance!

Me: Exactly! Life is too short for all this nonsense!

SkittishReflections: I couldn't have said it better myself, dude! If you guys want to keep fighting with one another, then just go your separate ways! Simple!

Phyllis: Exactly! Ken is coming home from West Virginia, and if you two can't stop carrying on, I'll let him know! You got that?

Steven: Yes.

Margaret: Yes.

Phyllis: All this fussing and carrying on is just childish!

SkittishReflections: Definitely! If they want to keep this up, they're not gonna participate in the Halloween party, next Friday! Ken was very clear on that!

Phyllis: He sure was! He'll stand by his word!

This story was written on Sunday, October 17th, 2021.

A/N Steven, and Margaret, both need to cut this mess out!! If they hate each other, then they should both keep their distance! Ugh! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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