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"jaehyun, calm down

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"jaehyun, calm down."

"i won't fucking calm down! this asshole just beat the living shit out of taeyong and all you losers are doing absolutely nothing about it!", the dark haired man bellowed, eyes blown wide as rage seeped
through every crevice of his body. held back by two fellow members who kept trying to reason with him, jaehyun desperately tried to claw his way over to jeno.

the younger male simply stared at the man, zero expression on his emotionless face.

the red headed leader had currently been tended to by winwin in the infirmary, leaving more than enough time for shit to hit the fan. jaemin and renjun watched the exchange from  the sidelines, ready to jump in front of jeno in case the older male somehow manged to break free and attack him. yeah, despite the harsh words he graced them with, the couple still couldn't bare to see him get hurt.

not even after he almost killed the man that had saved them long, long ago.

one of the men holding jaehyun was oddly familiar to jeno, his black hair and fairly strong  physique sparking a distant memory inside the noirette's head but the picture was far too blury to click in his mind. the man wore a black face mask over his nose, his striking almost pitch black eyes below a pair of strong eyebrows the only thing visible. his forehead was a bit crinkled with worry, obviously ridden with distress as he struggled to contain a raging jaehyun.

said male was still trying to escape the iron grip of the two fairly intimidating masked individuals, spewing rather harsh profanities at the unbothered boy standing just a few meters away— hands burried deep within his pockets. "let me go! i'll fucking kill you!" he screamed, causing every single person in the room to flinch at his sudden outburst.

everyone but jeno.

his face still had that unreadable expression. stone cold and unflinching.

silent yet deadly.

the boy had not spoken a word for the past ten minutes— which is how long jaehyun ad been trying to kill him— and it was seriously starting to freak jaemin and renjun out. even the few members and guards present were a bit unnerved at the boy's lack of fear or care whatsoever. usually, civilians would piss their pants if a mafia member barely looked at them the wrong way.

this guy beat the shit out of a mafia leader and then proceeded to stay completely unbothered as he was being threatened with
painful death by none other than jung fucking jaehyun, taeyong's psychopathic right hand.

the astonishment grew bigger the second he finally spoke.

jaemin and renjun really wished he hadn't.

"that motherfucker got exactly what he deserved. hell, he didn't even get half of it."

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