It seems with every new phase of life we have to rediscover and understand who we want to be.
Our worth never changes, but who we feel we are and want to be changes as we get older and come to understand ourselves and the world differently.
Each of us has an idea of who we want to be and who we want to become.
And that idea can be so strong and overpowering that we miss opportunities and growth right in front of us.
I knew who I wanted to be and I understood who I wanted to become.
But I held onto this idea so tightly I lost myself along the way.
I became so afraid of being someone or something that I did not want to be that I became nothing instead.
Each of us experiences trials and hardships in this life.
And as we go through them we can become someone or do something that we are not proud of.
We try and hide those feelings, experiences, and thoughts away in a dark corner of our mind.
But by ignoring them and not accepting our past and transgressions, as I have come to learn, we actually become less of who we are and deny ourselves of growing.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love absolutely everything about us.
The good, bad, and indifferent.
Though we may not understand how things that make us feel ashamed or guilty become part of who we are They do.
And by denying everything that makes us who we are we in a way are rejecting our true spiritual nature.
We are telling ourselves that though we were made perfectly we are not worth Their perfection.
Since the growing months of coming home this is exactly what I was doing.
I was letting my past define me and change me for the worse.
My true self and spiritual nature was being denied.
Each us are good.
Each has divine worth and potential.
And whether we accept or deny our past that does not change.
It only makes it harder for you to progress towards being who you are destined to become.
Deep down I knew who I was.
Yet, I was rejecting myself because I let my past cause me to feel ashamed.
As we come to accept our past and who we are not,
We will change.
And change is a wonderful thing.
It causes us to grow,
Become stronger,
More confident,
And more Divine.
But really we already are.
We just did not know that yet.