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liliandavies99 shared a story

liliandavies99 shared a story

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Lily stays close to Bukayo while they make their way through the crowded club.

She's quite nervous, because he only mentioned a few minutes ago that they were meeting up with his teammates. Even though she has known Bukayo her whole life, she has never met one of his teammates.

They walk into the VIP area and immediatly all heads turn to them. Some of the lads mouths drop open at the sight of the girl.

Shyly Lily looks down at her attire. Is it too much? She knows she's showing a bit of skin, but she's seen far worse while walking through the dancing crowd.

A girl gets up from her seat and gives some of the guys a slap on the back of their heads.

"Don't mind them. You know how boys can be," the girl winks. "I'm Sophie and you must be Bukayo's friend."

Lily smiles lightly. Sophie looks like a nice girl. "Yeah, I'm Lily."

Sophie takes her back to her seat and pulls an empty chair next to hers. Next to Sophie is a guy who immediatly puts his arm around Sophie when she sits down.

"This is my boyfriend Kieran. One of B's teammates," Sophie introduces the lad.

"Fiancé," he mutters.

"You guys are getting married? Congratulations," Lily smiles.

"You finally popped the question mate?" a voice asks behind them.

Lily turns around to see a familiar face. He came by her store a few times some months ago. She still remembers him, because it's hard to forget such a gorgeous man. Next to him stands a really pretty woman, probably the one he bought the flowers for.

"Yes, I had to do something to get Grealish of my back," Kieran grins.

"That's wonderful news," the woman next to Ben exclaims and she pulls Sophie in a hug.

Everyone looks their way when they hear all the commotion.

"What's happening?" Someone on the other side of table shouts.

Kieran gets up from his seat and pulls Sophie with him. "Well this is actually why we all invited you. We're getting married."

Loud cheers errupt from the crowd and everyone starts hugging the newly engaged couple

"So the flowers worked, I see," Lily says to Ben, when everyone has settled down again.

Ben knits his eyebrows together and once he realises who she is he smiles brightly. "Flowergirl, what are you doing here?"

"Flowergirl?" The woman next to him asks.

"She owns the flower shop where I buy you flowers," he explains. "Flowergirl, this is my girlfriend Marion, the one who recieved all those wonderful bouquets."

"You can call me Lily," Lily smiles. "I don't know why he keeps calling me that."

"Nice to meet you Lily," Mari smiles.

"So you own a flower shop. Do you do weddings?" Sophie asks.

"Yes, I love weddings!" Lily answers.

They start a conversation about the wedding and Lily shows them some pictures of the work she has done.

During the conversation she can feel a set of eyes on her the whole time. She turns her head to see a pair of brown eyes staring at her. She gives the guy a small smile and he immediatly looks away.

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