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Starboy 💫

Hey B
I'm gonna have to cancel movie night
A last minute order came in for tomorrow and my mum's not feeling well, so she went home

No worries Lils
Emile and I can help you out
Maybe we can still watch afterwards

How would that help?
You can't even tie flowers together 😉

We'll just help with cleaning
Leave the flowers to you

That'll be helpful
Thanks B

See you in 20! 😘


Lily feels herself going in overdrive at the moment. There are pieces of flower stems and wire lying everywhere across the room.

Another shop cancelled last minute for a big office party and they contacted Lily only an hour ago. Lily being Lily couldn't say no to that, even if she has to do it all on her own.

A loud knock can be heard on the door of the shop. Lily lets out a relieved sigh and quickly walks to the door.

"You guys are life savers," she says while letting the two boys inside.

"Happy to help Lils," Bukayo smiles. "So what can we help with?"

"You guys can clean the shop. Just mop the floor and arrange everything," Lily explains.

"You know Lily. I can help you with the flowers," Emile says and both Bukayo's and Lily look at him surprised. "I practised my tying."

"Why would you do that?" The girl asks curiously. She never met someone who's practised his tying.

"Had fun last time and it's quite relaxing you know," Emile smiles.

"Okay come with me and show me what you've got," Lily takes Emile with her to the workroom.

"I'll just stay here and clean!" Bukayo shouts while watching his two friends walk off.

Emile and Lily walk into the other room. Now she can clearly see the mess she created. It'll probably take another hour to clean this up.

"Go on show me your skills," Lily encourages Emile.

The blond haired boy walks to the table, takes some flowers and ties them together smoothly. Lily is quite impressed by his work.

"Damn, if football doesn't work out, you can work for me," she says and Emile smiles brightly at her. "So if you want you can make some bouquets, there's an example over there. Then I can start on the table decorations."

They start working. Occasionally they talk to each other which causes some laughter to errupt from the room.

On the other side of the door opening their best friend observes the scene. He's happy to see Lily laughing genuinly again. She's had a rough time when Thomas, the one she thought to be the one, left for New York and forgot about her the moment he landed.


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