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I wanna apologize for Eddie's comment

Nah it's okay

Cute cat btw 😊

Thx 😊
Do you have any pets?

Yeah, a dog

Of course, you're a footballer
It's in your genes to be a dog person 😅
I'm sorry but I'll have to cut this conversation short, I don't talk to dog lovers 😉

May I remind you,
you spend a whole evening with a bunch of dog lovers 😉

Got me there 😅

I have to go now,
training and stuff

Right, tell B I said hey 😘

Will do
Bye Lily!

Bye dog lover Emile!

Lilian changed 'ESR' to 'dog lover Emile'


"He's cute," Lily speaks to Basile, while petting him softly on his head. "Well at least over text, when he says more than one sentence."

Basile looks up at her and then at the door. Lily takes a look at the clock. She jumps up from the couch, which startles her cat, when she realises she'll be late to open up the shop.

"Shit, mum will be wondering where I am," Lily says. "Thanks Basile for reminding me." She takes her cat in her arms and gives him a little kiss on the nose. "You're the best."

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