Fresh Start

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"Maybe if we stick together, for a short while, we can get something done, find your ship. How does that sound?"


"Din, it's not going to be easy but I'm stuck with you now."

"Don't call me that."

You'd known him as a child, mortal playground enemies that were always quarrelling. Nothing has seemed to change as the Mandalorian brought you into his ship, patched up your broken leg without even realising it was you. And now, lost in the woods, sitting around a fire.

"I didn't ask for you to help me." You scoffed, trying to stand up and leave but the pain being too strong to bare.

"I could take that cast off right now if you didn't want my help. You should be grateful that I took time out of my day to even care that you were beaten up. I didn't know who you were and I regret finding out." He snarled back aggressively, like a dog who's treat was taken away. After that, there was just silence. You didn't speak in the presence of the intimidating man. The crackles of the fire and the whistling of the trees were the only noises that could be heard.

"Thank you for helping me." You said quietly, making sure only he heard. He hummed in response. The silence continued. You put your hands in front of the fire for warmth. You heard shouting in the distance of the woods, your head perked up at the sound and so did the Mandalorians helmet.

"What was that?" He asked, foolishly assuming you would know what the sound was.

"Why would I know? I've never even been on this planet." You replied, your voice softer than before, not to provoke anything in the woods.

"No need to have an attitude about it." He huffed like a disappointed father. You glared at him, the intimidating mask sending chills down your spine, or maybe that was the gust of wind that flew passed you, the fire burning out. "Just what I need."

"Maybe we should stick together and find your ship." You reiterated, crossing your arms in the pitch black. Din activated a small light on his suit that was large enough to see each other.

"Fine." He groaned, standing up and walking over to you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you up, you squealed in pain slightly. "You alright?" He asked, holding around your arm to support you. You nodded, taking a deep breath in and out.

You began to walk uncomfortably around the woods, dark trees looking scarier in the darkness. Dins arms were around you the entire journey, supporting you up and asking you if you were comfortable, answering in which you lied.

"I think I see it!" You pointed to a dark metal ship, the exact shape of the Razor Crest in the distance. Din walked you back to the ship and set you down in the hull, kneeling to see it your cast was damaged in any way. "You do seem to care an awful lot for someone you who's supposed to hate me." You smirked at the man kneeling in front of you, he looked up them straight back down.

"I'll find you some crutches, I'm sure I have some somewhere." He didn't reply to your comment, he didn't want to reply because he did care for you deep down, he was just wasn't very good at showing it.

"Thank you, Di- Mando." You corrected yourself, to not make him angry in this tender moment, you sat back in the Hull, the metal uncomfortable but you couldn't ask for any different.

"You can call me Din, Y/N." You smiled in return, he nodded back, going off to find some crutches for you. After awhile, he returned with two metal crutches in his hands and he passed them to you. You stood up and tried them out, they were much easier than leaning on a person for support.

"That's much better, thank you." You marvelled in the fact he took enough time to care despite his rude comments before.

"You can sleep in my bunk and I'll fly us to Nevarro, get you real medical help and pick up the kid, then we'll be back in the sky, flying some place else." He explained, you stared into the visor and nodded. You opened your mouth to say something but were interrupted. "Don't thank me again."

"You caught me there." You laughed, he chuckled in response. "Before you go...I'm glad I met you again, maybe we could get a fresh start?" You asked, he took awhile to answer.

"This is our fresh start. Now, go to bed." He pestered, walking to the cockpit. You got on your crutches and walked to his bed. You laid your head down and fell softly to sleep, no dreams plaguing your mind or embarrassing memories to wake you up, just pristine sleep at last.

A/N: first actual update in awhile! This doesn't mean regular updates sadly but I'll try to get one out once or twice a month, maybe more or less. Have a nice day! [kisses] -Lee

Din Djarin [The Mandalorian] x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now