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You cradle Grogu in your arms, waiting for him to sleep

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You cradle Grogu in your arms, waiting for him to sleep. He just wouldn't. You sigh heavily, cooing at the baby. "What'll get you to sleep?" You ask, Grogu lifts his hand up to your mouth. Grogu continues to cry, you knew what he wanted, A Lullaby. " mother used to sing me this one. Mirrorbright."

"Mirrorbright, shines the moon, its glow as soft as an ember
When the moon is mirrorbright, take this time to remember
Those you have loved but are gone
Those who kept you so safe and warm
The mirrorbright moon let's you see
Those who have ceased to be
Mirrorbright shines the moon, as fires die do their embers
Those who loved are with you still-
The moon will help you remember."

You quietly sing to the now sleeping green baby, placing him gently in his cot, still humming the tune of the Lullaby your mother used to sing to you on Alderaan. Grogu softly snored in his crib, you placed a gently kiss on his forehead.

"That was beautiful." You quickly turn around, gasping at the sight of the Mandalorian. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He chuckles. You slightly laugh while sighing.

"Uh, Th-Thank you..." You stutter, swaying up and down. Mando walked closer to you, laughing. "M-My mother used to sing it to me know." You couldn't help being nervous around Mando, he just made you feel...something. You felt tears in your eyes at the mention of your mother.

"Well, you're a good singer, a beautiful singer." He says, you felt your face turn red at that claim. You bite your lip to hold in a squeal and look down smiling. You sat on a box near Grogus cot. "Take a break. He'll be sleeping for awhile." Mando insists, you shake your head.

"No. You should go to sleep, Mando." You demand, resting your head on your ship. Mando grabs your hand and pulls you up to him, wrapping his arms arm against your waist, pulling his helmet off.

Those brown eyes, falling inside them could get you lost for days. That hair that flopped over his face so perfectly. Those stray hairs on his lower face and chin you wished you could just feel. Those plump lips you just wanted to feel against yours. You'd seen his face before but every time you saw it, something inside you just exploded at the perfectness you were looking at.

"I could use a Lullaby, Cyar'ika." He closed the gap between you by connecting your lips with his. The kiss was soft but full of passion, you'd been waiting for this very moment. You relaxed, wrapping your arms around his neck. You broke the kiss for air, staring at the man in front of you, in the same position. You understood the feeling now, it was a mutual feeling of Love.

Din Djarin [The Mandalorian] x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now