Introducing Me

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 My name is Blue Jay.

It is the name I've chosen for myself for this platform, and what you can call me anytime you need anything.

I'm a teen and a Christian.

And I was a slave.

I used to struggle with an addiction. Not drugs or alcohol, but something more widely accepted in this day in age. At the same time, I was unhappy with myself, wishing to look different, thinking I was too skinny or too curvy, and searching for contentment in material things and the temporary highs that came with my addictions.

There's a lot of shame that comes with talking about this, especially for Christians. I have to admit, sharing this stuff on here is a bit scary, but it shouldn't be.

There shouldn't be so much shame associated with Christians admitting they're struggling with addictions like these. You're not worth any less because you're struggling and God doesn't look down on you because you are.

If God isn't ashamed of you, you shouldn't be ashamed of admitting your problems.

And if you ever need to talk, don't hesitate to DM me. I don't mind. If you need to vent about your struggles, want some advice from a fellow teen, or just need to talk to someone you don't know in person.

My friends, overcoming my addictions was a long process, and it's a process I have to continue everyday, making sure that I don't fall into old patterns.

But it's worth it.

And it's possible to get there.

If you're at the place I was nearly a year ago, you probably feel like there's no way out.

You're trapped. You can't live without your addiction, or whatever you're struggling with.

I know how that feels.

I know how overwhelming and depressing it feels to think of giving up what you're addicted to.

But it is possible.

All you need is the desire to be free.


I'm going to start ending these chapters with discussion questions and I want them to be about subjects apart from addictions because you are so much more than your addiction.

So for this chapter, I'd like to ask you for one word that you feel describes yourself.

For me, I would did I choose such a hard question?

Okay okay, fine. I'd say kind. While this is a bit of a boring word, it's the best I can do.

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