You Don't Need to Go Through This Alone

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We've already established that you're not going through this alone. You have God with you the entire time, and I'm always here for anything you need as well.

But I have a suggestion for you. It's something I made the mistake of not doing, and can really help you.

Tell someone about this.

This may sound like the scariest words I've ever written in this book so far, and I get that. But don't make the same mistake I did.

My biggest recommendation is to tell your parents.

Your heart probably just dropped, right?

Yeah. I know the feeling. But your parents are the people God has given you to and their job is to love you, take care of you, raise you, and look out for your wellbeing. They're going to be able to help you through this, and, chances are, they will understand what you're going through better than you think they will.

Tell them what you're going through, and then ask for help. They can help you be accountable, and they might even have their own tips for breaking free from whatever addiction you're trapped by.

If you really can't tell your parents, if you just can't face that or if you know they wouldn't react well, tell a close friend.

Find someone you'd consider like family, someone you are comfortable with sharing this with—or as comfortable as you can be.

Finding an accountability partner is a great tool for helping you break free from an addiction.

You can set up weekly check ins where your accountability partner can ask you how you have been doing. If you did good, maybe you can talk about what you did and how what you did helped. If you slipped up a few times, maybe talk about what you can do to help prevent that.

As I said before in a different chapter, I realized that on the days I didn't workout, I tended to slip up. That was something I figured out for myself.

You can recognize things like this as you go along, and having an accountability partner to talk things out with and keep you responsible makes everything just a little less stressful.

Guys, what you're doing is difficult, but it's worth it.

Remember, you're never alone in this. God is always with you. And I'm always here as well. But it would be good for you to talk to someone you know, to find an accountability partner who can keep you honest.

I understand if you feel like you can't tell anyone; if you're too ashamed and afraid of their reaction—afraid they will judge you. I completely understand these feelings. I've been there. But I'm telling you, the journey I went through would've had a lot less bumps in the road if I told someone and had an accountability partner.

Please don't keep this to yourself. Even if, at most, you just talk to me on this platform, talking it out and sharing struggles is going to help you.


If you're in school, what's your favorite subject.

Um....favorite? How can I pick a favorite when I despise everything equally....

I'm kidding.

(Yeah, totally kidding hehe...)

I'd probably say writing, although my writing class this year is one of my least favorite classes.


Instead of just ending here, I wanted to let you all know that I'm praying for you.

God's got your back, guys. Lean on Him. <3

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