The Suprise Guests

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"What are you both doing here?"...... Everyone asked

"Suprise, Suprise" said the mysterious guest

Out of the limo stepped out Ambrosia and Adonis Sleeping Beauty. The team all looked shocked until Astoria finally spoke "Ambrosia and Adonis how great to see you" she went to hug them both "Its been too long" She said with a warm but wary smile "Astoria it certainly has been too long hi you guys" Ambrosia greeted them with a huge smile while Adonis just gave them a polite nod Apart from Rose and Hawk who were frozen for a split second ,everyone started to slowly greet them until finally Rose came over and hugged them both plastering a fake smile on her face "Welcome guys its nice to see you both" She said while Hawk said hello until the team finally took them to their separate rooms.

"Father is it necessary we go why can't we stay at home" Adonis argued with his father while Ambrosia was fixing her hair looking at her reflection "Don't be ridiculous Adonis its a good idea for you and your sister to socialize, all you do is look in your mirror all day plus they are your friends aren't they?go enjoy yourselves" Adonis opened his mouth to argue but he was interuppted by Ambrosia "I think its a great idea Father you know how Adonis can get but do not worry ill get him to enjoy himself" Ambrosia said with a sweet smile "Good now go on you'll both be late". In the limo Adonis looked outside the window until his sister finally spoke "What are you brooding on about its just a few days then you can return to mirrorwatching" she said "Don't even pretend for a second that you don't want to go" Adonis said with annoyance "What are you on about of course im happy to see my friends" She said "Friend" He said dryly "You're only happy because you get to see your 'friend' Hawk again" "Thats not true im also happy to see Astoria and Lingling and..." She argued "And what about Rose?" He cut her off "Are you ready to look her in the eye and smile knowing that you ruined her relationship with Hawk?" He said in a stern manner "Adonis for the last time it wasnt my fault" She said huffing in annoyance "Ya sure keep telling yourself that Ambrosia" He countered and the car ride became silent

After showing Ambrosia and Adonis their respective rooms both Hawk and Rose had excused themselves to their own rooms for the rest of the night. Rose changed into her pajames and stared at her ceiling laying on her bed feeling tears well up in her eyes "God Rose you are so pathetic" she murmured to herself it wasn't just their arrival that threw her off it was the rush of memories from the past 4 years that came with their arrival she finally closed her eyes and eventually fell asleep. Meanwhile in Hawk's room he was also lying in his bed thinking about how messy things had become with the arrival of the Sleeping beauty twins "Whatever happens now i can't mess up my friendship with Rose" he mumbled to himself "She's too precious" he murmured as he drifted off too.

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