The Sleepover

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The girls piled up against Astoria's front door as Astoria greeted them with a beaming smile "Hey girls are you ready to party" she said, they replied with a yes and started covering the floor with colored sleeping bags while Astoria came back with some snacks. Each of them sat on the floor and started to talking about what happened this week.

"So Astoria how was your date with Shawn"? Rose asked with a gleeful grin. "Seriously is my love life the only thing you guys talk about? but to answer question it was pretty good" Astoria said "awww" Lingling replied . "So what about you Lingling? How are you and Travis getting along?" Joy said putting popcorn in her mouth
"Really well actually. Hes really sweet and awkward sometimes clumsy around me its soo cute seeing him all flustered" Lingling answered "thats our Travis for ya" Rose said "and what about you Joy? has Esquire still not confessed his feelings for you?" Rose asked. "Well not exactly we didn't get the chance to hangout alot he was busy with kingdom matters so was i" Joy replied "well i hope he does and if he doesn't ill kick him where it hurts" Lingling said "Woah Lingling calm down" Astoria said. "But i think theres one ship we haven't talked about yet" Lingling said looking at Rose, the others doing the same "Why are you all looking at me?" she asked visibly confused Astoria sighed and said "Still Clueless as ever, i mean what is going with you and Hawk?" "Oh that we're just friends" Rose said "Im soo glad you both are friends again" Joy said hugging Rose "me too Joy me too" Rose said hugging her back with Lingling and Astoria joining in the hug.
Meanwhile At Snow White Castle

"Ugh, man do we seriously have to do a boys night out today? i need my beauty sleep". Travis groaned "Come on Travis live a little plus you sleep all the time i sometimes wonder if you even have a life". Shawn replied laughing a little "Whatever" Travis muttered as they reached Hawk's bedroom. "Hey" Hawk said "Hey" they both replied and entered his room "Did you kill someone Travis cause if looks could kill we're definitely killed" Hawk said him and Shawn both pretending to be scared. "Har Har very funny i thought this was boys night then why are we sitting like princesses in your bedroom" Travis said "Fala said we should just hangout here plus im too tired to go out today" Hawk replied falling on his bed "Boy talk it is then" Shawn said sprawling the mattress "Hows your life with the beautiful jasmine Lingling"? Shawn said "Hey only im allowed to call her beautiful or jasmine". Travis replied "Ooooo jealous Travis what a sight to see" Hawk said "Don't worry Cousin i won't dare to steal your girl" Shawn said.
"What about you? hows your love life going Shawn?" Hawk asked "Pretty well actually Astoria and i have been having alot of fun recently on our dates". Shawn answered "No hanky panky right?" Travis asked Shawn threw a pillow at his face "Idiot" Shawn mumbled "I have ears i can hear you you know". Travis said, Hawk just laughed at them "So i still see princess's throwing themselves at your feet huh Hawk"? Shawn asked ignoring Travis who went to go get a snack "yeah pretty much" Hawk replied not looking down "You know they would probably leave you alone if you had a girlfriend". Shawn said "Now whose the perfect person for the role of your girlfriend lets see Astoria's is out cause she's my girlfriend, Lingling is out cause she's Travis is girl and Joy and Esquire have hidden feelings for eachother but haven't confessed yet. So that leaves Rose". Shawn continued Hawk just laughed and said "You really think Rose will become my girlfriend after we just became friends again and also i think i don't have any feelings for her". "Dude you were literally shooting daggers at Adonis when he was dancing for her. Do you really we're going to believe you when you say you have no feelings for her" Travis said coming into the room with some chocolate " i don't know at all anymore, ugh why is love so complicated " Hawk said pulling his hair in frustration "i have no idea maybe its cause of this dumb guy named Hawk's fault for making a dumb mistake that cost you Rose's feelings" Travis said pointing at Hawk "Anyway we better get to sleep before Astoria murders us into cold blood for being late" Shawn said closing the lights and heading to sleep. Before closing his eyes Hawk hoped that the beach trip wouldn't have any bad suprises.
little did he know who was coming on that trip

Worlds worst laziest Author in the world title goes to me im sooo sorry for making you guys wait for this chapter i didn't have any motivation to write for a while really sorry but are you guys excited for the chapter? i hope so and who do you think the suprise guests are who are gonna be coming? Love you guys Thanks for Reading
Peace out ✌🏻

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