Fairy Tale Market

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Upon reaching the beach house both Hawk and Rose were smiling and unconsciously holding hands with their whispered promise making both feel a sense of peace.

That peace was suddenly broken with Ambrosia standing in front of the door with her hands crossed and a sour expression on her face "Where have you two been?" she asked in a sweet voice laced  with insecurity
"Oh we were just at the beach Travis and Lingling..." Rose began explaining before she got cut off "I see well its quite the coincidence that you both left right after me and Adonis left" She laughed "Well it wasn't like that we were just.." "Having fun" Rose began while Hawk finished her sentence giving her his signature grin

"Anyways Rose you better change before you catch a cold" Hawk said while clinging his jacket on her shivering shoulders which made Ambrosia's nostrils flare up "Oh ok see you later guys" Rose smiled and waved. Ambrosia dropped the fake smile plastered on her face and faced Hawk "I see you haven't lost your gentlemanliness" She said "And i see you haven't lost an ounce of your fakeness" he countered

 "Rose has been nothing but kind to you and still you continue to stand there like you have done nothing wrong" He stated calmly to which Ambrosia finally released all the pent energy she had been suppressing "Hawk Don't you understand why i came here!" She cried loud enough for him to hear but still quiet that it doesn't alert the others

"I Love you! I have loved you ever since i met you, Why can't you see that?" She cried eyes filled with desperation. "How can you possibly love me when you met me? You didn't even know me" He said disregarding her confession "You love me? Then tell me what's my favorite color? What's my favorite apple dessert?" He asked her in a curious tone to which Ambrosia fell silent "If you actually bothered to know anything about me. You would know i am actually head over heels for Rose Cinderella" he said in a whispered tone.

 "Be honest Ambrosia you don't love me. You just like the idea of me" he said "Knowing you won over millions of fangirls, dating the Hawk SnowWhite" he said approaching her slowly "You want me to yourself to prove to yourself you're better than Rose" He finally stated which made Ambrosia stare at him with an unreadable expression. He then walked past Ambrosia whose eyes were burning with malice "You're wrong Hawk SnowWhite, Rose has nothing on me and soon you will see that" She whispered to herself.

The next day the team was in high spirits especially Rose since they were going to the Fairy Tale Market "Pumpkin Seeds, I've been reading about the fairy tale market i can't wait to see it in person" Rose said her eyes glowing with excitement "I know right I've heard they have the cutest frogs there" Joy replied her eyes matching Rose's excitement. "I've been meaning on try their hair products for years" Astoria also answered her eyes also shining with excitement which made the entire team burst into laughter with the exception of Ambrosia who looked as if she would rather do anything else .

 When reaching the market everyone were amazed at the different booths filled with different magical items "Guys look at this" Travis picked up a little dragon figure which turned into a life-size  dragon which began chasing Travis with great speed "Bad Luck Beast" he shouted "That'll teach him to not touch anything" Astoria rolled her eyes. 

Meanwhile the team began exploring. Astoria found an enchanted hair brush which changes the color of hair to match the emotion the person feels, she first tried it and her hair turned bright yellow signifying happiness "Hey babe, check me out" Shawn called out, looking up at Astoria with black frames on his face that could tell the person wearing the frames the entire fairytale history of anything they see. Astoria's hair suddenly changed to a pinkish red, matching her now blushing face "So, how do i look Princess Astoria Rapunzel Hildegard Beaumont?" he asked giving her a cute grin "You look cute" she admitted in a shy voice, trying to hide her blushing face although her hair was not exactly making it easy. Luckily Shawn didn't notice as he was preoccupied with his glasses "Babe these glasses are so cool , I can see the entire Rapunzel family history here" he said until he finally noticed her red face and more obviously her hair "Aww Babe are you blushing" Shawn teased holding her face in his hands "Shut up no I'm not" she remarked pulling out of his grip and walking ahead of him, making Shawn chuckle. 

The other team members had also found interesting items such as Lingling finding a sword that could transform into any weapon that the wielder imagines or Travis discovering a magic canvas which could transport you to any painting that had been painted on it. Joy also found a jar of buggerflies which she swore tasted better than any bugs she had ever eaten.

 Rose on the other hand knew she had a lot of fairytale trinkets at home and wasn't quite that interested on getting something for herself however she did know she wanted to get something for Hawk but the question was what? She was about to give up and get him apple pie until she spotted a booth with beautiful snow globes but they weren't exactly snow globes. Each new globe had different people in different places "Excuse me what is this?" She asked politely to the person selling them "Why young lady these are memory globes. They hold a memory in the globe so when you shake the globe that specific memory shows up" "So cool" He grinned at Rose's excitement  "Would you like one?" he asked and Rose nodded yes with her eyes gleaming with excitement "Now imagine your favorite memory that you want to put in the globe" He said while pointing his wand at Rose's forehead. Rose closed her eyes and thought of her memories with Hawk, there were so many; that time he saved her from falling off her dragon, when he danced with her at the grand ball and of course who could forget their almost kiss after he saved her from the Snow Queen she smiled at the memories but snapped out of her trance after she heard someone say "Memory magic"

 She opened her eyes and in her hands was a pretty globe which had the memory of Hawk dancing with her at the ball, she then shook it and another memory of them dragon riding appeared "Huh, i thought only one memory should appear on the globe" she asked looking at it with a curious face "Well, normally people only think about one memory but in your case there were so many memories i decided to add them all in so, every time you shake it a new memory appears" He smiled at the Cinderella and pointed to the globe "That blue haired boyfriend of yours you really  like him don't you kid" he asked "Something like that" She smiled and paid for the globe. 

She finally caught up with the rest of the team "Wow, Travis, Lingling and Joy you guys bought a lot of stuff" Rose said as she eyed the huge number of bags they were holding "The spring fashions were too adorable to resist" Lingling sighed and the entire team including Ambrosia were in more happier spirits.

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