Chapter 2 - Brooke

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"Brooke, how about you?"

Brooke snapped back to reality. The teacher was looking straight at her, everyone was. She stared blankly at him as she had not heard a single word he'd said. He did not look impressed, this was the third time this week that she had been caught daydreaming and it was always the same dream.

"Unless there's something more important you would like to share" he declared to a few sniggers. Though she always denied it she believed this teacher had it in for her, she quickly read the notations on the board hoping she could salvage her reputation.

"I'm no expert but I would say that global warming is not a myth but a part of nature, throughout the planet's history there have been times where global warming has occurred. The most notable is the Ice Ages when the planet finally emerged from the last one. However it is humanity in the last hundred years or so that have really kicked it into overdrive."

The teacher was speechless; yet again she had got the answer in no time at all and he didn't like it, not one bit.

"Very good" he almost sneered "though pay attention to what I say there will be a test on this." The whole class, with no exception, groaned and mumbled. Some turned to Brooke with accusing eyes as if it was all her fault, naturally she ignored them.

That's when it happened, something that would haunt them all forever. They had all heard about the contagion spreading quickly across America however much the Americans had tried to hide it but it had yet to spread off the continent, Mexico and Canada had set up a blockade along their borders in an attempt to stop any contamination, so far it was working or so they thought.

All shipping and flights to and from America had stopped so they all believed it couldn't spread but it only took one to slip through.

A shrill scream filled the corridors; everyone burst out their classrooms and raced for the source. Brooke's class managed to be one of the first to reach the staff room though they soon regretted it. Stood around the television they watched with growing fear and gasped in terror as the newsreader said her piece.

"The first sightings have been made north of the border, nothing has been confirmed and authorities have asked citizens not to panic but a mass evacuation is in progress in Scotland and parts of Northern England. All roads South are in gridlock as people attempt to flee and many are walking across the countryside in a bid to escape. Yet again scientists have refused to comment on this ever increasing, ever threatening situation prompting many to believe that they have no idea what's causing this or have any plan to stop it. The authorities are asking everyone to be vigilant and not go out after dark under any circumstances, and if you see anything suspicious to report it immediately to the proper authorities. We have been just informed that there will be a special message from the prime minister later today, it is rumoured that talks with other heads of state have begun yet it is unclear as to what extent these talks will be. Barbara Kensit reporting live for Brox 5TV."

For what seemed like forever but what was probably mere seconds nobody moved or spoke, they just stood there and stared at the television then the chaos started. Everyone had prayed no matter their faith that the containment methods would work and the contagion would not spread but as they had just heard it had all failed and it was now here in their country.

Panic swept quickly across the school, as quick as any gossip. Screams and shouting filled the halls, terrified people ran over more terrified people. No one really knew what to do but they all seemed to be heading the same way, out of the school.

Even as they left the school the army trucks rolled past full of young soldiers and volunteers who looked just as scared as the schoolchildren. They all knew that if the contagion got you there was no cure, no antidote, no vaccine; it was an automatic death sentence. There were rumours however of people surviving even growing stronger but there wasn't any proof to back it up so few people believed it.

Many companies had tried to create a vaccine, governments had thrown almost their entire budgets at these attempts but so far no one had got anywhere, their only hope was to kill all the carriers and destroy the bodies before they infected anyone else.

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