Chapter 4 - Choices

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"Come on it will be fun" chuffed Lauren, her curls bobbed as she moved though they remained tightly bound.

"But you heard what the teachers said, we are to go home and wait for further instructions" stated Brooke, she had thought about nothing else since especially as it was the only thing stopping her from freaking out.

"Why be such a chicken" Chloe jibed pushing past Brooke, causing her to drop her bag in a way that made the contents spill out.

"Nothing's going to happen straight away" reassured Saba although they both knew that for once they should do as told. However reluctant the group followed Lauren as she proudly led them down a footpath, across a road then down several more footpaths. Soon they came to a secluded area where three logs were arranged around the central fire pit. Saba and Brooke brought up the rear as usual; the other three looked back at them with a mixture of hatred and distaste.

"We should go back" uttered Brooke sending trouble, she worried a lot and often for good reason. Her stepfather hated her being late and the punishment was just horrible. "I need to go home, I can't be late" she stuttered hoping for any excuse.

"You can't let him rule your life, you have to tell someone" Saba argued. Despite Brookes best attempts at secrecy Saba had discovered everything about Brooke's stepfather and what he was doing, for a long time she had pleaded with Brooke to tell someone official but it seemed as if his hold on her was way too strong.

"No I can't, I can handle it" she insisted again and again even though they both knew Saba didn't buy it.

By the time they reached the others there was a nasty surprise waiting for Brooke, one she should have seen coming. The others had arranged themselves so that she couldn't escape; Rebecca pulled Saba away so she could not intervene. Two girls grabbed Brooke from behind while Lauren and Chloe tainted in front.

"Nobody likes you, you get in everyone's way" insisted Lauren as she punched Brookes stomach.

"Stop it" Saba screamed trying in vain to get free of Rebecca.

"Shut it, unless you want some as well" Chloe threatened taking a swing at Brooke but missing, falling into the dirt instead. The others laughed and loosened their grip on Brooke, taking this chance she lashed out with her leg. Catching Laurens she brought her crashing down then pulled herself free of the other two swinging her bag wildly at them; Saba also broke free from a stunned Rebecca. Together they ran as fast as their legs could carry them, they could hear the others already up on their feet and after them. Reaching the road they skidded to a halt then looked around nervously.

Cars whizzed up and down making the crossing treacherous, people were starting to panic and weren't care how fast they were going.

Both taking a deep breath they dashed across narrowly missing a speeding car, the driver swore at them but carried on regardless. The others had caught up and were stood on the opposite side; they hesitated watching several cars race passed. Taking a chance Rebecca attempted to cross.

None of them saw the lorry; it ploughed into Rebecca killing her instantly. The driver barely noticed as he hurried away down the road. They all stood frozen in shock; slowly Saba began to drag Brooke away.

All the way back neither said anything but reaching Saba's house she finally broke the silence.

"We cannot tell anyone about this" she spoke quietly so her parents couldn't eavesdrop; they were already at the window watching.

"But what about her parents" wailed Brooke "I don't think I can keep quiet."

"The Police will tell them, that's their job after all" expressed Saba, she had it all planned out on the route and was quite sure that Lauren and Chloe would not say anything. "It will be just another traffic accident that no one saw so nobody can say anything, right."

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