Chapter 3 -Danny

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Danny sat between several other young volunteers, the first of many to be recruited to fight the ever-growing horse of creatures. Most had volunteered as soon as they found out though none of them really knew what they would be facing or where they were headed; surely they weren't going into battle straight away were they?

"Always wanted to be a soldier" he shouted trying to strike up a conversation, "parents were dead against it but with this they had no choice." The other passengers barely heard him over the noise from the trucks so he gave up and looked around at the blank and troubled faces surrounding him, some didn't look any older than fifteen not that Danny himself was much older.

The trucks pulled up to a set of high security gates, moments later a well groomed man emerged from a small hut at the side. After a brief discussion with the driver he barked an order at the other men who were huddled deep into their coats. Instantly they jumped to it and the gate swung open letting the trucks rattle through. Danny grabbed a sneak peek through a crack in the canvas covering much of the truck, it wasn't as he pictured it. In his head he had it all mapped out, what it was going to be like and who he was going to be but slowly he was realising it would be nothing like he imagined.

They made their way through the streets and around various buildings which only offered mere glimpses of what they contained, so far he spotted a couple of helicopters, a few trucks and a whole lot of boxes. Finally they came to a stop upon a large tarmacked area and after a lot of barked orders which Danny did not understand they were bundled out as quickly as they were bundled in. The realisation that this was not going to be as easy or glamorous finally began to sink in. When told to line up straight they took their time which their new commanding officer was not pleased about.

"You are only wasting your time not mine" he declared, he had one of those authoritative voices that demanded respect though he wasn't get much at that point. "You only have one week of training" he yelled over the worsening wind "how you manage it is up to you."

"So we are allowed to leave, if we wanted to" one guy dared to speak up. He had thick brown curly hair which he flicked about trying to look attractive to the girls but in reality it made him look even dafter than they had already thought he was.

"Yes but you will be branded a coward for the rest of your miserable lives" the officer replied bluntly which shut them all up. "I am Major Brown your commanding officer during your training, this is Captain Conbloom," he motioned to a short scowling man who glared at the new recruits as if they were something he'd stepped in. "He will be in charge of your training, you answer to him and he answers directly to me. I expect good things from you, now prove you're worth my time and effort. Lieutenant Matthews will show you to where you'll be staying, get some rest, your training begins in an hour sharp. Dismissed."

Lieutenant Matthews nodded then gestured for the group to follow him. After a brief hesitation they followed him passing other groups of volunteers who were caked in mud and utterly exhausted. If dread hadn't already set in it sure did now.

They came to their barracks which looked small and cold, it wasn't much better inside especially when they were showed the toilet facilities which consisted of a few toilets, urinals and two wash basins. The showers they were told was a hose on a tap outside prompting an array of disgruntled arguments but Lieutenant Matthews had little time for discussion, he left as quickly as he could before they each discovered the delights the bunks held. Danny laid down on one shifting constantly in an attempt to find a comfy spot but failed.

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