Chapter six

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As we piled into Jaimz's car heading for college I smiled, I was going to see my gorgeous mate Sky today, I hadn't seen her since she left last night, I missed her like hell but I knew I should let her go... I couldn't force her to stay, she was new to all this whereas I had been looking for her all my life.

She already meant more to me than my own life I finally understood why we were all searching for our mate, that one girl who captures our heart. Because with her around nothing else mattered.


Walking to college I wondered what I was to do, my injuries had healed the only sign being the mark on the side of my stomach which had healed forming the symbol of Erik's pack - My pack, What was meant to happen now that I had a mate, surely I couldn't keep running.. Did I want to? I don't think so.. I mean I love him, it's hard to believe but I guess that must be a weird wolf thing and I was stuck with it, I knew there wouldn't be anyone else and I knew I couldn't be apart from him.

Maybe I should just embrace it, the fact that I was safe. Erik wouldn't let anyone hurt me, would he?

Reaching college I made my way to tutor once again for my second day.

By the time my favourite lesson rolled around - music, I had butterflies in my stomach, lunch was next and I had no idea what I was meant to do - was I meant to go sit with Erik... I had no idea.

Sitting in my place I fell into the music and was asked to write a very short song with a group I had been placed into - there were two guitarists a bassist and a drummer, they already had the song but I had to write lyrics to it, I struggled to find a good start but when I did it flowed as naturally as water When it came to performing it I felt the butterflies return, after we had played our song it was lunch, I took a gulp of water and began to sing :-

As the sun sets over the horizon

I wonder if i will see your face

You who haunts my dreams

Who the very existance of my being seems to revolve around

As the light fades it takes with it the hope of seeing you tonight

It being restored only as the sun once more rises

Bringing the possibility of seeing you on this new day


I stood outside her class I listened to her sweet voice, the lyrics hit me like a brick in the face, it couldn't be more obvious that they were about me and that meant more to me than anything - thats when I knew she wanted a mate for sure.


Leaving the class I beganto make my way to the canteen when someone swooped me into a big hug from behind I squeaked a little frightened until I realised who it was - Erik, the butterflies in my chest finally settled as we instinctively held each other, me burrowing my face into his shirt, he smelt so...wolfy.. I loved it, sighing contently I heard him chuckle,

"What ?" I asked a little embarrased,

"It's just I didn't think it would be this natural - like a reflex, how easily I love you" he asked seemingly shocked he had said it out loud.

I smiled happily, "I'm hungry" I said as he took hold of my hand,

"Then lets go eat my love" my love.. it made me smile just hearing him say it, "By the way - your song, was lovely" he winked knowingly as I struggled to find words,

"Uh, thanks" I managed to get out, I hadn't thought he would have heard that.

Piling my plate with an odd combination of pasta, chips and vanilla milkshake, I looked at Erik's plate which consisted of pasta and some fruit and laughed, he turned to look at mine and laughed back at me.

"Really? you think that actually tastes good?" He said dumfounded

"The best" I smiled dipping a chip in the milkshake before eating it whilst moving along to pay.


As we sat at the table I introduced her to my closest friends, our own little pack within the pack so to speak - Jaimz, Felix and Zachary.

"So how things in paradise?" Jaimz asked cheekily causing Sky to choke on a pasta-milkshake combo bite,

"Well how's you and Mollie eh?" Sky quickly came back, causing Jamiz to lose words temporarily,

"Nice one" He replied winking motioning for a high five with her which she reciprocated,

As they all talked amongst themselves I couldn't help but watch Sky, eating her freaky food I felt so much love for her it was overwhelming - I was so glad it was the weekend tomorrow, we could finally have some time to ourselves and get to know one another on a more basic level.

She caught my eyes and gave me a subtle smile from beneath her eyelashes, even this caused my heart to race. I yelped as my phone vibrated in my pocket

Bad news. They know you have found your mate, we have a mole in our midst - meeting tonight. 6 o'clock. Be there and be prepared for a fight, bring Sky her powers could help, we both know she didn't tell us them all/there are more she doesn't know of. 

 Damn. Protectiveness surged through my body, I didn't want Sky to be used as a weapon, looking at her fragile frame I then wondered just how much there was to do with her powers she wasn't letting on...

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