Chapter seven

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As we pulled up at the pack house I was confused, all I knew was that there was trouble - that I could read from the way Erik's brow was knotted above his troubled eyes.

"Calm down hun" I said feeling a little distressed at the sight of him like this, I pulled him in for a hug and immediately felt his muscles relax,

"Thanks" He buried his face in my hair inhaling deeply.

"But really don't worry, everything's going to be fine - you'll be fine" He said as if he were vowing his words. "Come on then lets go" He caught hold of my hand and we made our way inside - I could feel the tension radiating from each and every person in the room and became alert drawing power to me warily incase I needed to protect myse-me and Erik, I mentally corrected myself, I would NOT let anyone harm him, a protective growl slipped between my lips causing everyone to look at me.

"Sky it's okay, no one is going to hurt me" Erik whispered to me as I grasped his hand tighter not wanting to leave his side, I pulled the power so that it enveloped us - a shield from some forms of attacks, I still didn't know what powers these guys had, or Erik for that matter, but this shield (one of the powers I didn't tell them about) would be able to protect us from a number of them if needed.

"Wow" Julian said impressed "That's a lot of power your drawing on there Sky, what for?" My powers faltered, how did he know what I was doing??

"He is the alpha, he can see the aura of power" Erik whispered to me,

"It's just incase" I said warily eyeing the room,

"She's drawing on it incase she has to protect Erik, she obviously has accepted him as her mate, they need to perform the ritual to prevent anyone else binding to her" Felix said, "Sky my specialist power is to be able to see bonds between mates, therefore I know when the mate bond has been rejected or accepted" He informed me seeing my confused look.

Had I accepted the bond? did I really want a mate? I hadn't thought these things through properly I just acted out of instinct... Maybe things would be okay to have just one weakness...

"So are you two ready, to perform the ritual binding yourselves to one another as mates for life?" Julian asked.

Was I ?


 "So are you two ready, to perform the ritual binding yourselves to one another as mates for life?" Julian asked.

Taking a brief look at Sky's face I could sense the debate going on in her head,

"I am, as long as it is what Sky wishes" I said waiting for her reply, of course I wanted to be bound to her - she was the most amazing girl I had ever known, I whispered in a voice low enough for only her to her "Don't do anything you don't want to" She looked up into my eyes and a smile appeared on her lips,

"Yeah, let's do this thang" She said in a funny accent whilst looping one arm about my waist causing me to chuckle slightly,

"Okay" I hugged her tightly to my side feeling a little exciting to finally enter the hidden quarters of the house I had never seen before as it was only used for these rituals which were private and unspoken about to un-mated wolves.

"Now for other matters, it appears we have a mole" Julian said causing a stir amongst the pack, "Due to the absence of Jude we are without his talent of knowing when people are lying, so I am asking you Sky, do you per chance have such a talent that you haven't mentioned previously to us? for if you do it will help secure your saftey to use it to find out who is lying"

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