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(Peter's POV)

I've always tried to steer clear of the Dark Hollow for years and years. The second Ruffio took me under his wing and swore to him that I'd never go back there under any circumstances. Well I just broke that promise but Wendy was worth the risk.

"Peter?" a voice whispered.

"Who's there!" I hollered. I turned in every direction and didn't see anything. I pulled out my knife and turned behind and saw a figure behind me. Before even glancing at who it was I just shoved them to the nearest tree and put my knife at their throat.

"Peter! It's me! You can put the knife down!"

I looked at the figure and saw Wendy.

"Wendy?" I stuttered, "How.."

"I ran for it the second Hook dragged me in here. Now will you put the knife down and go back home...please Peter?' Wendy pleaded.

I looked directly at her and could tell she was afraid. But there was one thing this person here was forbidden to ever say.

"Where would that be Wendy?" I asked.

"Come on Peter you know where. Just lower the knife and we can go."

"Say where home is and I'll put the knife down."

She looked down at the floor and I saw her smile.

"You're not the real Wendy are you..."

"You were always so intelligent every time you came here."

"Change back to the real you...Hollow."

"Peter, I thought you'd be happy to see me again." Hollow said, brushing my hair slightly out of my face.

"Do it." I said sternly.

She rolled her eyes at me, "Fine...I mean I would do anything for you Peter."

In a blink of an eye she turned from Wendy to her normal self. Her hair is darker than the night itself. Her eyes were so dark brown that they almost looked black. The dress she was wearing was forest green.


"Just tell me where Wendy is."

"She's with Hook." Hollow whispered.

"Show me where." I demanded.

Hollow just chuckled.

I raised my eyebrow, "What's so funny?'

"You really don't know do you?''

"Know what?"

I looked at her eyes and when I blinked she was gone.

"Hollow!" I shouted.

"Why don't I just show you." Hollow whispered.

I turned towards her and before I could say anything she moved closer to me and her hands were on the side of my head. I started to see Wendy was moving closer to a bamboo looking cage and I tried to move closer towards her but it was like an invisible wall had been placed all around me. I started to pound on whatever was holding me from getting to Wendy before I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Now watch what happened an hour before you finally came back to me." Hollow said in my ear.

I turned towards her and shoved her hand off my arm, "Get out of my head and tell me where Wendy is."

Hollow shook her head, "Not till you see what happens next. Its so thrilling to watch this scene replay." Hollow chuckled. I tightened my grip on my knife and went to stab her but she was gone.

The return of Wendy Darling and Peter Pan (book two)Where stories live. Discover now