chapter 4

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Emily's pov

Scene: the takeaways arrived and they were eating dinner

Time skip: after dinner

Dean: hey Roman I don't feel well
Roman: yeah same I'm feeling dizzy
Emily: oh no don't say he drugged the pizza's
Dean: yeah but why aren't you feeling the same
Roman: maybe he knew what pizza I would eat
Emily: I'm gonna call the police
Scene: Emily called the police

The phone call

911: hello what is your emergency
Emily: Hi my name is Emily Moore I live at 67 Greenhaven st, please send someone, I have 2 friends here who I think have been drugged and I'm scared someone is after me
911: Hang tight someone is on the way now, stay with me

I heard someone banging violently on the backdoor and windows

Emily: someone is banging on the backdoor and windows
911: stay with me Emily, the police are only a minute away
Emily: (cries) I'm so scared, Oh no my friends just collapsed
911: hang in there, they should at your door right about now

End of phone call

Police: police open up
Emily: hi officers
Ambulance: where are they
Emily: in the living room
Scene: the paramedics were working to help Roman and the dean
Police: my name is officer Bennett, can you tell me what happened
Emily: well me and my boyfriend and best friends ordered pizzas and afterwards, they started feeling funny
Police: do you know anyone that would want to hurt them
Emily: I went to the police and filed a report about a stalker that has been stalking me
Police: are you sure you can't think of anyone suspicious or having a motive to try and get rid of them
Emily: no I don't know anyone just the stalker I mentioned before
Police: well if you would like, I can drop you off at the hospital to be with your best friend boyfriend, if you know anything else here is my number if you find out anything
Paramedics: well your friend and boyfriend are stable but we are gonna keep them at the hospital to monitor them, you can ride in the ambulance with your friend and boyfriend
Emily: thank you, I will
At the scene, they all arrived at the hospital

(Phone) buzz buzz buzz buzz

???: How does feel to almost losing someone
Emily: just leave me alone
???: I just want you to feel what I felt when I lost contact with you
Emily: just tell me who you are
???: That's a story for another time, all I can say is I'm closer to you than you think
???: That was just a warning, next time I might actually hurt them especially if they get in my way
Emily: you need to get some help, you seriously have major issues
???: Our cure will be when you are with us
Emily: how many stalkers do I have
???: You have 2, but both want different things from you
Emily: why can't you tell me who you are
???: If you want to know maybe ask dean cause I'm sure he has an idea of who I am, just remember there are lots of secrets to be unfolded, so if I were you I would speak to your so-called childhood best friend
Emily: what secrets are you talking about
???: I will let you try and find the answers to your question, bye sweet thing

End of a text conversation

Doc: hi miss are you a close relative to dean Scott and Roman Anderson
Emily: yes I am, are they going to be alright
Doc: yes they will be fine but they will have to stay here for a few days, you can go home if you like
Emily: ok if I do please make sure no one comes to see them but me
Doc: do I need to inform the police
Emily: yes you do, I think someone might come back and try to kill them
Doc: ok I will call the police and you can have a word with them if you like
Emily: that would be great, just ask for officer Roberts
Doc: I will give you an update afterwards


Dean's POV


What happened to me, why am I back at my parent's house, mom, dad
Mum: hello Deano
Dean: mum, why am I seeing you
Mum: you seeing me cause you are in a coma, I need to tell you something when you were 2 years old you had a brother and sister but we couldn't have them with us cause we couldn't afford to keep them so we only kept you but we decided to let them stay with my sister but when you were 16, they tried to get in touch with us but I made sure they didn't meet you and when I and your dad went to meet them. they killed me and dad and made it look like an accident, they are very dangerous, so please protect Emily, they also have an obsession with Emily, I think your brother wants Emily to be his wife while your sister is obsessed with Emily being her sister since she hasn't had a sister
Dean: what are their names
Mum: sorry Deano, my time is up to go back to the real world and please protect Emily and do tell her the truth
Dean: what are their names
Mum: sorry I can't say, but remember not everyone is who they say they are
Mum, dad: goodbye son

End of dream

2 days later

Emily's POV

Scene: dean woke up from the coma
Emily: dean open your eyes
Dean: hello nugget
Emily: you're still calling me your childhood nickname
Dean: yes plus I will always remember you as a nugget
Emily: fine then I will call you de
Dean: ok nugget
Scene: Roman woke up
Roman: hey baby girl
Emily: you're awake too
Roman: we are not that easy to get rid of
Emily: how are you both feeling
Dean, Roman: like we've been hit by a truck
Dean: what happened
Emily: I think the stalker put something in the pizza to try and kill you both
Roman: looks like they failed cause we're still alive
Emily: I think you both need to stay away from me
Roman: that's not gonna happen
Emily: I almost lost both of you, so it's best you stay away from, just please listen for once
Dean: nugget we are not gonna leave you on your own, we can take care of ourselves
Emily: well look where you both are
Dean: I have something to tell you both
Roman: ok spill
Dean: well while I was in a coma I had a dream and I was at my parent's house and they warned me and said when I was 2 I had a brother and sister but she couldn't keep them so she gave them to her sister to adopt but they tried to get in touch with me but my parents didn't let that happen so they ended up murdering them and made it look like an accident and they have an obsession with Emily
Emily: what, why
Dean: let me finish
Emily: ok
Dean: as I was saying, my mother said  my brother is obsessed with making Emily his wife while his sister is obsessed with Emily being her big sister in law since she hasn't had a sister
Emily: what are their names
Dean: she said she couldn't tell me anymore as she had already said too much
Emily: so you have a brother and sister that you didn't know about, that must be a shock
Dean: yeah it is
Emily: well I'm gonna head off to work I will see you both after work, call me if you need anything

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