chapter 7

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Emily: let's play hide and seek
Dean: you go hide
Emily: ok
Dean: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ready or not here I come
Scene: dean was looking almost everywhere except for behind the toilets
Dean: found you
Emily: you took so long to find me * giggles *
Dean: let's go get an ice cream
Emily: we only just got here
Dean: yeah but I feel like an ice cream
Emily: ok race you there

Narrator: Emily was racing dean to the ice cream shop. Emily managed to get there before him

Emily: I won
Dean: yes you won
Emily: since you lost your buying our ice cream
Dean: ok nugget
Scene: Emily bumped into someone
Unknown 1: watch where you're going little one
Emily: I'm sorry
Unknown 2: watch where your going is
Scene they left
Dean: are you alright
Emily: im fine, I just bumped into someone and they acted weird, one called me little one and the other one called me sis
Dean: maybe they know you
Emily: I doubt it
Dean: they must have mistaken you for someone
Emily: yeah maybe

End of flashback

Emily: do you remember that day we raced then we went for an ice cream
Dean: the day we played hide and seek
Emily: yeah that day, maybe they are those people I had encountered when I bumped into one of them at the ice cream shop
Dean: maybe, but we don't even know their names
Emily: I know
Dean: I just remembered something
Emily: what
Dean: my mum said they had to stay with my aunty
Emily: do you have her contact
Dean: yes I do but I haven't talked to her since my mum and dads funeral
Emily: maybe you should call her and ask her about them
Roman: hopefully we will get some leads
Scene: dean called his aunty

Phone call:

Aunty: hello
Dean: hello aunty
Aunty: how are you Deano
Dean: im good, I found out I had a brother and sister that stayed with your
Aunty: How did you find out
Dean: I had a dream about mum and dad and they told me in that dream
Aunty: yes you do but I promised that you would never find out
Dean: what are their names
Aunty: are you sure you want to know about their cause let me tell you they are dangerous and I don't think you would want to cross paths with them
Dean: too late I think they are stalking Emily my childhood best friend
Aunty: in sorry Deano for not telling you
Dean: it's fine, what are their names
Aunty: I actually can't remember their names but I have a box of their stuff somewhere in my house so when I find it I will call you
Dean: thanks aunty
Aunty: please be careful they are extremely dangerous, I can't even explain how bad they were when they were staying with me
Dean: bye aunty, talk soon
Aunty: bye Deano

End of phone call

Roman: at least we found someone who may know them
Emily: Yeah, we just have to wait for your aunt to ring back and let us know their names
Dean: have you come across anyone that act as weird
Emily: only those 2 customers I told you about, but my boss said he is keeping an eye on anyone suspicious that comes into the diner
Roman: that's good, your sleeping here with me tonight, I don't want you home alone with those psychos out there especially after we just heard what deans aunty said
Dean: Yeah I agree with roman
Emily: ok I will stay here
Dean: good night nugget
Emily: good night Deano
Roman: good night baby girl
Emily: good night roman

The next day

Roman: morning baby girl
Emily: morning roman, Deano
Dean: morning nugget, roman
Roman: do you have work today
Emily: nope, today is my day off so j get to hang out with both of you today and you get discharged out of the hospital today
Dean: finally
Roman: I hate hospital food
Emily: I think everybody does
Doc: good you are both awake, let's get your discharge paper sorted and I will do one final test to make sure you both are good to go home
Roman: ok thanks doc

Time skip: at Emily's house

Scene: they all arrived home

Roman: it's so good to be away from the hospital
Dean: hopefully we don't go back there for a while
Roman: no takeaways
Emily: yeah only homemade food, I will be going shopping after work
Roman: I missed a lot of phone calls from my dad
Emily: he won't be happy when he finds out you were in the hospital
Roman: I know
Emily: I know your dad doesn't like me
Roman: I know, he wants me to be with one of his workmate's daughters, which I don't like cause she is so possessive and controlling

Scene: Roman's dad turned up

Keith: where is my son
Roman: hi dad
Keith: Can you explain to me why I got a call from the hospital explaining you were in the hospital
Roman: it was just a little incident
Keith: I knew you were trouble for my boy, why can't you just stay away from him
Roman: it's not Emily's fault
Keith: I bet it is, can you explain to me
Roman: it's complicated
Keith: why can't you be with Stacy
Roman: cause I don't love her, I love Emily
Keith: you will never be a part of my family, you are probably only after my company and money
Emily: I can assure you I love roman with all of my heart and I am not after his money or his wealth, I am not a gold digger
Keith: you are probably only just saying that cause you know I am right
Emily: * cries * Roman I think you should go home with your dad, I will see you tomorrow
Roman: no I will stay here
Emily: it's fine roman, I think your dad is right it's best if you stay away from me
Roman: none of this is your fault Em
Emily: just go roman, Dean you can go too
Dean: no way im staying, I have been your friend since we were little and there is no way I will be letting you stay here on your own, you're stuck with me nugget
Roman: dad if you can't accept Emily then I don't want to be a part of your family
Keith: roman your gonna throw your career away for some poor girl
Roman: that's enough dad I don't want to hear anymore
Emily: you should be home just for tonight and tomorrow you can come back here tomorrow
Roman: ok I will go home and I will pack my things and move them here
Emily: are you sure
Roman: I love you Emily and I want to spend the rest of my life with you
Emily: see you tomorrow roman
Scene: Roman and Keith left

Emily: im gonna go make us some dinner
Dean: don't let Romans fathers words get to you, me and roman know you are not like that
Emily: I know, his words still sting though
Dean: at least you and Roman are gonna live together
Emily: Have you heard anything from your aunty
Dean: no I haven't
Emily: ok we just have to wait for your aunt, I made our favourite
Dean: did you make spaghetti and Bolognese
Emily: yes I did with my mum's secret recipe
Dean: you're the best cook nugget just like your mum
Emily: thank you Deano
Scene: someone knocked at the door
Emily: I will get it
Dean: who's at the door
Emily: no one but they left a gift box
Dean: let's have a look
Emily: it's probably the stalker's gift

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