chapter 8

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Recap: ( Roman went home with his father. Emily and dean had dinner then someone knocked at  the door, no one was there but Emily saw a gift box )

Dean: let's see what's in the box
Emily: it looks like there is a frangipani flower and another note
Dean: what does it say

Note: hello baby girl, I hope you are thinking of me, you are getting closer to the truth, just remember not everything is as it seems, you still have some secrets to find out

Love you
From your stalkers

Emily:  * cries * I don't know how much more I can take
Dean: we seriously need to find whoever is doing this
Emily: are you sure you don't remember anything about them
Dean: I am sure, I don't even think I hung out with them much
Emily: I seriously think you both need to stay away from me cause this is starting to get out of control
Dean: I am not gonna leave you alone, I'm involved in this cause it's to do with my family and you are like my sister that I never had
Dean: I wonder why Roman's father doesn't like you
Emily: I think he saw me as a distraction to Roman and I'm not good enough for Roman
Dean: that's rubbish you and Roman are perfect for each other
Emily: you may think that but his father doesn't
Dean: well we better get some rest, are you working tomorrow
Emily: yeah I have an afternoon shift
Dean: your mum is coming this weekend
Emily: yeah
Dean: well I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight
Emily: goodnight

The next day

10 am

Dean: wake up 'Em I made breakfast for us
Emily: you didn't have too
Dean: I wanted to, Roman messaged me he is on his way here
Emily: ok I will meet you downstairs
Scene: Emily got up and freshened herself up had a shower, brushed her teeth and went downstairs
Dean: you're just in time, breakfast is served, I made your favourite
Emily: awww thanks Deano

( Knock knock knock )

Scene: Roman turned up
Dean: hey bro
Roman: Hello Dean
Dean: come in
Roman: hey baby girl
Emily: hello Roman
Roman: I'm sorry for what my dad said to you
Emily: it's fine, I'm used to it, your dad has never liked me
Roman: I still want to move in with you
Emily: are you sure
Roman: yes I'm sure
Emily: ok
Roman: I can arrange my stuff to be moved tomorrow
Emily: that's alright cause it's my day off tomorrow plus I have to pick up my mum from the airport
Roman: let's go out somewhere nice
Emily: sorry I have work today maybe after my mum goes back home
Roman: ok that's fine
Emily: what's the time
Dean: it's 11:30 pm
Emily: well I'm gonna head to work, make yourself at home, I finish at 9 PM
Roman: we will pick you up after work, have a good day at work, give us a call if you have any problems
Emily: bye
Scene: Emily left


( Time skip: at work )

Daniel: Emily, table 4 need serving, please
Emily: ok boss
Daniel: can I talk to you privately after work
Emily: yeah sure

Table 4:

Emily: hi there, my name is Emily I will be your waitress, what can I get for you
Ryder: hi Emily, you served me last time, right?
Emily: yes I did, what can I get for you
Ryder: I would like a medium flat white with a ham and cheese toastie
Emily: anything else
Ryder: no that is all
Emily: your order will be done shortly
Scene: Emily came and gave Ryder his order
Ryder: can I get your number
Emily: sorry I don't give my number out so easily plus I already have a boyfriend
Ryder: I don't wanna be your boyfriend, I just thought maybe we could be friends
Emily: sorry I can't
Scene: just when Emily was about to walk away Ryder grabbed her by her hand harshly
Ryder: my sister wants to be friends with you
Emily: owww Ryder you're hurting my arm, why does she want to be friends with me, I don't even know her or you for long, no offence
Ryder: I think she noticed how you are so friendly, kind and caring by how you serve your customers at the diner, it means a lot to both of us
Emily: sorry but my answer is still no, enjoy your coffee
Scene: Emily managed to get her arm out of his grip
Emily: please stay away from me

( Time skip: after the shift )

Scene: Emily walked into her boss's office

Emily: hi boss, you wanted to see me
Daniel: Hi Emily, I just wanted to see how you are doing
Emily: I'm ok, I have my boyfriend and my best friend looking out for me
Daniel: remember the person who is stalking you might be closer to you than you think
Emily: yeah true, but how do I narrow it down
Daniel: maybe try and ask the stalker certain questions that relate to the people you know but don't make it too obvious
Emily: that's a good idea
Daniel: I noticed you were at table 4 for a while, I hope you are alright
Emily: * cries * just a customer tried to ask me for my number but I denied it
Daniel: did her hurt you or touch you
Emily: * cries * he grabbed my arm very harshly
Scene: Daniel hugs Emily
Daniel: I have noticed he does stare at you a lot when you're not looking,
Emily: I don't know, but I seem to get this gut feeling to stay away from him and to avoid him at all cost
Daniel: maybe you should listen to your gut
Emily: But you just said the stalker has to be close to me which rules him out
Daniel: yeah but don't rule him out completely, you never know, I will call a Uber if you want
Emily: no it's fine I will just call my boyfriend to pick me up
Daniel: ok Emily, you have a good night, you can take the rest of the week off, I will see you next week
Emily: thanks boss
Daniel: bye Em

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