chapter 9

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( Recap: Emily went to work and she had to deal with an aggressive Ryder and has now finished work )

Roman's POV

Scene: Emily left for work

Roman: so do you wanna go watch a movie at the cinemas
Dean: yeah sure, Emily isn't gonna be home for a while
Roman: what movie should we watch
Dean: Fast 9
Roman: haven't we already seen it
Dean: yes we saw it with Emily, but it's a great movie
Roman: ok

Scene: they arrived at the cinemas

Roman: hey mate, how have you been
Theo: I've been great
Roman: I would like you to meet my friend Dean
Dean: hi, nice to meet you
Theo: you too, so what movie are we gonna watch
Dean: Fast 9
Theo: oh great, I haven't seen that movie
Dean: you are gonna like it especially if you have seen the other movies
Scene: they all went and watched the movie

Time skip: after the movie

Theo: wow that's a great movie, I see why you wanted to watch that movie again
Roman: the movie was ok, I think it was a bit too far fetched
Dean: I disagree, the movie was awesome
Theo: so what are we gonna do now
Roman: we will go to the supermarket to buy some groceries so Em doesn't have too
Dean: I'm gonna cook dinner tonight
Roman: Are you sure, I can make dinner
Dean: I'm fine, plus I think I'm a better cook than you
Roman: is that a challenge
Dean: yes
Roman: it's on, we will let Theo decide what we are gonna cook and he will be the judge
Dean: game on, let the best man win
Scene: they all arrived at the grocery store
Theo: well you have to cook lasagne, good luck to you both

Narrator: Roman and dean were collecting their ingredients for the lasagne and doing the normal grocery shop

Roman: ok I think we got everything
Theo: Are you sure, it looks to me like you almost bought everything
Dean: you're overreacting
Theo: ok let's go
Scene: they all arrived home
Theo: you have 2 hours to cook your lasagne, time starts now

2 hours later

Roman's lasagne

Dean's lasagne

Roman: you can try mine first
Dean: Yeah I agree, you can save the best for last
Theo: both of you stop arguing, you will find out the winner after I taste both of them
Scene: Theo tried both lasagnas
Roman: so who won
Theo: it was tough as I like both of them equally
Dean: there has to be a winner
Theo: I honestly think it's a tie
Roman: can't you just pick one
Theo: ok how about you wait for Emily to get home and get her to try both of them and then she can decide as she won't know which one you made
Dean: that's a great idea
Roman: I know I will win
Dean: stop having a big head and wait till Emily tries them
Scene: Emily arrived home
Emily: hi everyone
Roman: hey babe, I would like you to meet my best friend Theo
Emily: hi Theo nice to meet you, my name is Emily
Theo: Hi Emily, nice to finally meet you as Roman always talks about you
Emily: does he now
Theo: yeah he does
Emily: so what did you all get up too
Roman: we went and watched fast 9 and then I and dean had a cooking challenge and which you have to try both foods to decide which one is the best
Emily: why didn't Theo pick the winner
Theo: it was tough so I said it was a tie but they want only 1 winner
Scene: Emily tried both of the lasagne
Emily: mmmm they both taste so good
Roman: so which one do you like more
Emily: honestly I like them both but the second one had more flavours than the first
Theo: looks like dean won
Dean: told you I'm the best
Roman: congrats on winning
Theo: I think I should be heading home
Emily: How did you get here
Theo: Roman gave me a ride from the cinemas
Emily: you don't drive
Theo: not yet but I'm currently studying for my learners
Emily: oh ok, Roman you should give your friend a ride home
Theo: no need I can find my way home
Emily: nonsense Roman will give you a ride home, no arguments
Theo: ok thanks
Dean: well I have to go to the hospital as one of my aunt's cousins got into an accident which she is now at the hospital
Roman: will you be alright on your own, I will be back in 15
Emily; yes I will be fine
Roman: just make sure you have a weapon to keep you protected while I'm gone
Emily: don't worry I will

Narrator: Roman, dean and Theo just left leaving Emily alone

(Bang crash) upstairs in her bedroom

Emily: leave the house, I am warning you, I am armed and I have the police on speed dial
Unknown 1: your bluffing
Emily: just leave me alone
Unknown 1: I've already told you, we will never leave you alone
Emily: what are you doing in my place
Unknown 1: I have come to take you with me
Emily: I refuse to go
Unknown 1: I thought you might say that
Emily: What are you talking about
Unknown 1: I have a syringe, which you can come with me willingly or I will have to use this syringe
Scene: Emily tried to stab the intruder but was unsuccessful due to the second intruder coming in and using a white close that has chloroform I'm it
Unknown 2: sweet dreams

Scene: unknown 1 was carrying Emily bridal style into their SUV

Unknown 2: let's take her home where she will have to stay with us forever
Unknown 1: she will learn to love us as you will be your sister in law
Unknown 2: I will drive you can sit in the back seat with her
Scene: Unknown 1 was running his fingers through her hair and was whispering words to her

Unknown 1: I can't wait to start a family with you, you need to forget your previous life cause me and my sister are your family now and you will be a great mother to our children, once we get there I will tell you the rules

Hi everyone, sorry for the late update, I hope you all enjoying your holidays

How was the chapter

The moment has been waiting for. The stalkers will finally be revealed, let me know if your guesses were right, it will be interesting to see how many of you guessed as this is my first stalker book
Please vote and please comment your final guesses on who the stalkers are
I look forward to reading your comments.

Lastly please check out my other books

Abused by my stepmother (complete)
Abused by my stepmother 2 ( ongoing)
My broken self (ongoing)
Falling for you (ongoing)

Have a nice day/night wherever you are

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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