chapter 1

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Chapter 1

This is how it all started

The black dragon's house

Randy: make me some breakfast
Jacinta: what do you want
Randy: surprise me
Scene: Jacinta made randy breakfast
Randy: you made me scrambled eggs and bacon, I f*can hate eggs and bacon, go make me something that I'm going to eat you stupid b*tch, you Sl*t, bray take her into the room
Bray: do you want me to tie her up with the chains and shock collar on her thigh
Randy: yup sure me and miz will be downstairs shortly
Scene: they took her into the room and chained her up
Jacinta: please don't do this
Bray: stop whining like a baby
Scene: bray Wyatt put the shock collar on, bray Wyatt pushed the shock collar on
Jacinta: ow please don't
Scene: randy came in, randy hit Jacinta in the ribs with a crowbar
Jacinta: please stop
Scene: randy hit her again
Randy: I'm teaching you a lesson
Scene: randy used a whip on Jacinta 20 times and the rest of the guys came in R**ed her
Randy: and no food for a month

The next morning

Scene: Jacinta woke up in her room
Randy: wake up now and get ready
Scene: Jacinta walks over to her wardrobe to pick some clothes up
Jacinta: what the hell where are my clothes
Maryse: I took them cause you don't deserve them plus you don't look pretty you are a dirty sl*t and no one will ever love you, plus I look way better in those clothes than you
Jacinta: what the hell I have never done anything to you, why do you have to pick on me like that
Maryse: that because we can plus no one will miss you
Scene: Maryse tied Jacinta up and started pulling her fingernails off her fingers
Jacinta: please don't do this
Maryse: shut up you b*tch
Scene: aj walked in and grabbed a hammer
AJ: I don't like you, I despise you
Scene: AJ broke her hand with the hammer
Jacinta: please don't do this
Scene: Alexa walked in
Alexa: let's give this b*tch a makeover, I'm going to die her hair teal
Maryse: I'm going to take all her toenails off her toes
Randy: good work ladies, ok finish up then you can hang out with your mates at the bar it's my shout
Alexa: ok but don't be too long with this Sl*tty b*tch
Jacinta: please don't do anymore
Randy: do I hear someone begging
Jacinta: yes I'm begging you to stop
Scene: randy left Jacinta in her room
Randy: see you later ugly duckling

Scene: Jacinta managed to run away with a gun into another hideout, she heard someone walking into the hideout and they walked into the room she was in, Jacinta was pointing a gun at the door
Jacinta: please randy don't hurt me, just leave me alone, you already hurt me
Roman: who are you
Jacinta: did randy send you to get me
Roman: who are you
Jacinta: I'm not telling you who I am until you tell me
Scene: Samantha walked in
Samantha: that's Jacinta
Jacinta: how do you know
Samantha: well I was undercover at the bar I saw the photos of her on Maryse and Alexa's phone they had pictures of you after you were tortured, hand broken and starved and whipped 20 times and even broke her hand with a hammer
Scene: Jacinta collapsed

One hour later

Scene: Jacinta woke up in the hospital
Jacinta: where am I
Samantha: you're in the hospital, well our private hospital
Jacinta: I have to go, cause I know he will find me and I need to keep moving
Samantha: rubbish, your stay at our house
Jacinta: will the others be alright about it
Samantha: if they won't mind
Barry: I got the results back
Samantha: What injuries do we have here
Barry: well we have major bruises on her back fractured ribs, a small concussion, broken hand and lack of nutrition, Bruises on her upper leg
Samantha: If I ever see those people I'll make sure they never see daylight again, and why would they do that
Jacinta: caused they never liked me, plus I'm useless, ugly and waste of a human
Samantha: Don't you ever say that again you are a beautiful woman and the best friend I could ask for
Jacinta: it's a nice offer but I have to go
Samantha: Not even going to happen
Jacinta: fine
Samantha: good, so Barry when will she be medically cleared
Barry: that will be about a month
Scene: roman walked in
Roman: come on let's go
Barry: roman can I talk to you
Roman: yeah sure, so what did you want to talk about
Barry: Well I'm very concerned about her
Roman: what about
Barry: she major bruises, broken hand and fractured ribs and bruises on her thigh and lastly she has very little nutrition cause if you haven't brought her in she would have died, so make sure she eats
Roman: don't worry she will
Scene: they arrived home
Roman: so what do you want for dinner
Jacinta: I'm not hungry
Roman: you have to eat something
Jacinta: don't waste your food on me, I'm just going to go lye down in the basement
Samantha: rubbish, your Staying in the next door to roman
Jacinta: I don't need to sleep on a bed, like they said no one will ever love me or want to be friends with someone like me
Roman: who told you that Jacinta
Jacinta: all of them
Samantha: come on let's eat
Jacinta: I'm off to bed
Scene: Jacinta left and went to bed
Samantha: I'm really worried about her
Roman: I know
Samantha: how are we going to get her to eat
Roman: just leave that with me cause I have an idea
Samantha: this better work
Alicia: did you guys get her to eat
Roman: nope cause she thinks giving her food is a waste
Alicia: poor girl, I feel very sorry for her
Roman: well you two are taking her shopping tomorrow
Alicia: do you think she will come
Samantha: oh yes even if it means dragging her there
Alicia: really
Samantha: yes really
Scene: just as they were about to go to bed they heard her screaming
Jacinta: LEAVE ME ALONE, please don't hurt me
Scene: they walked in and they saw Jacinta all scrunched up in a corner
Jacinta: please stop hurting me
Roman: ok you guys leave and I will deal with this
Scene: they left and roman hugged tightly
Roman: Jacinta this is a bad dream, your not with them, your safe with me, come on fight this nightmare, we would never hurt you
Jacinta: sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you, I will accept whatever punishment you give me
Roman: I'm not going to punish you, I would never do anything to you, I love you
Jacinta: why would you want to be with someone like me, I'm ugly and a waste of a human
Roman: stop saying that about yourself, you are beautiful
Jacinta: thanks
Roman: I will stay with you
Jacinta: I love you too
Roman: and when you feel like talking about what happened I will listen to you, but that's when you feel like talking about it cause you have to let it out
Jacinta: thanks for listening
Roman: I heard you're going shopping tomorrow with the girls
Jacinta: I'm not going, I'm not letting them waste their money on me
Roman: good luck getting out of it
Jacinta: why is that
Roman: Samantha won't back down from this, so yeah good luck, unless you want me to go with you
Jacinta: I don't want to disturb you
Roman: I don't mind, ok we will all go tomorrow
Jacinta: please don't waste your money on me
Roman: good morning, wake up
Jacinta: I'm awake
Roman: I made you breakfast
Jacinta: I'm not hungry
Roman: please eat or are you too scared to eat
Jacinta: I'm not scared to eat
Roman: prove it
Jacinta: Fine 1 spoon
Scene: Jacinta had one spoon,
Jacinta: see I told you
Scene: they went downstairs
Samantha: good morning
Jacinta: good morning
Samantha: something smells nice
Roman: I made Jacinta breakfast
Samantha: Jacinta you can go pick something out from my closet
Jacinta: I don't want to dirty your nice clothes
Samantha: you either pick something from my closet otherwise me and foxy will
Scene: Jacinta went to Samantha's room
Samantha: any luck
Roman: she only had one spoonful
Samantha: you have to get her to eat otherwise she will not survive
Alicia: let me try
Roman: good luck
Samantha: why don't we get our little brother to try, I'm sure she is not going to turn him down
Roman: Nah we will try another way
Alicia: actually, I will try
Samantha: ok good luck
Scene: I found something to wear
Samantha: is going to pick an outfit for you and it will suit you
Jacinta: ok but don't get too carried away
Scene: Jacinta wore a short purple crop top with shiny jeans and a leather jacket
Roman: wow you look beautiful
Jacinta: am I going out with this
Samantha: yes you are
Scene: they all left
Samantha: let's go to this shop
Alicia: ok cool
Jacinta: that shop is too expensive, I'm not going in there
Samantha: your coming in whether you like it or not
Jacinta: roman can't any of you agree with me
Roman: come on we are just having a look alright
Alicia: you guys go in me and Jacinta are gonna go have some breakfast
Jacinta: I'm not hungry
Alicia: Well do you want to go to that store or do you want to have breakfast
Jacinta: fine I will go have breakfast with you
Alicia: great see you guys later
Samantha: yup
Scene: they left
Roman: well Alicia wins this round
Samantha: so we better find some clothes for her
Roman: yup I will help
Scene: they pick heaps of clothes for her
Samantha: she is going to love these clothes
Roman: I hope she does
Samantha: trust me, she will hate us for buying the clothes but on the inside, she loves the clothes
Roman: you better be right, but you go home and put them in her closet so when we get home we can surprise her
Samantha: awesome ok, I will go home I will be back in an hour
Roman: ok see you in an hour

Back to Jacinta

Alicia: so who were you running from
Jacinta: um, I will tell you but not here can we go somewhere private
Alicia yeah sure
Scene: they went to the park
Alicia: is this place alright
Jacinta: can roman come too
Alicia: yup I will text him
Scene: roman came
Alicia: so who were you running from
Jacinta, I was running from the black dragons
Roman: are you talking about the second most dangerous gang
Jacinta: yes
Roman: so they did this to you
Jacinta: yup every second night and they did things that I don't want to say, cause you guys will hate me and feel disgusted
Alicia: we won't judge you
Roman: none of this is your fault, you never wanted any of that to happen to you
Jacinta: they had been as a maid and they all r**ed me and even the woman tortures and abused me
Alicia: I saw the clothes that Maryse was wearing when I heard they were yours, I said to my self " gosh she had very good taste in clothes, those clothes were awesome
Jacinta: thanks
Roman: we will still love you no matter what
Alicia: you're a sister to me and Samantha
Roman: let's go home
Jacinta: but you know they will hunt for me
Roman: yes we do, but you are not fighting this alone
Jacinta: they are the second most dangerous gang
Roman: one thing you should know is I'm in a gang too but we are not like that
Alicia: yeah we are not like those animals, we fight for the good and don't kill innocent people
Jacinta: what are you are called
Alicia: we are called the royal dragons
Jacinta: So you guys are the most dangerous gang
Alicia: well only to the bad people
Roman: don't worry we are not going to hurt you
Alicia: you are our family now, so no saying you don't have any
Jacinta: thank you guys
Scene: they arrived home
Samantha: we have a surprise for you
Scene: Samantha showed her closet
Jacinta: I love it but I can't accept this
Roman: do you want something to eat
Jacinta: no I'm not hungry, I'm gonna go have a lye down
Scene: Jacinta went to her room
Samantha: did she eat anything today
Alicia: she ate a mini cupcake
Roman: did she like it
Alicia: yup she loved it
Roman: we have to get her to start eating properly
Scene: Jacinta started screaming
Jacinta: leave me alone, please don't do this, I haven't done anything to you, please don't do this
Scene: roman walked into her room and strongly hugged her
Roman: it's an alright baby girl, it's just a dream, they can't hurt you, your safe here, just calm down for me
Jacinta: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you again
Roman: you don't need to apologise, you with me now, you have nothing to worry about, but I want you to accept the clothes me and my sister picked cause even I helped her pick some outfits
Jacinta: fine I will accept them but no more surprises and no more spending money on me
Roman: I won't unless I think you need it then I will buy it
Jacinta: I can't seem to sleep
Roman: you need to fight this nightmare, don't let it ruin you, you are so much stronger than you think you are
Jacinta: it's very hard to fight it
Roman: we have to confront them
Jacinta: noooo way
Scene: AJ knocked on the door
Aj: please help me
Jacinta: why should we help you after you broke my hand
Aj: randy is trying to kill me
Jacinta: This is probably a trick to get her in so she can get to me
Scene: AJ begged
Aj: please I'm begging you, I am sorry for what I have done
Jacinta: fine
Roman: ok we will help but if you f*CK with us, I will kill you myself
Jacinta: no leaving me alone with her, cause I still don't trust her
Alicia: don't worry we won't leave you alone with her
Jacinta: ok Alicia and roman will show you to your room
Roman: ok baby girl
Scene: Jacinta and roman kissed

30 minutes later

Scene: roman and Jacinta went to bed, later on, Jacinta had a nightmare
Jacinta: no please, don't hurt me, I beg you, please don't touch me
Roman: baby girl it's alright, your safe, me and my sisters will always protect you
Jacinta: I can't even get a good night to sleep without getting nightmares
Roman: you have to fight it
Scene: Aj was listening to the conversation

Aj thoughts:
Awesome randy is still ruining her and screwing her head up, I have to try and get her back to randy otherwise I'm dead, I must try when they have to go to work

Back to roman

Jacinta: * cries * I can't it isn't that easy to just forget about it
Roman: I know but you have to keep trying
Jacinta: ok I'm gonna try and get some sleep
Roman: ok goodnight baby girl
Jacinta: goodnight

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