chapter 7

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Emily's POV

Emily: are you sure you wanna come with me
Alicia: I'm sure, plus I think Roman needs time to think about what he said
Emily: I guess he said the truth
Alicia: I think Roman wasn't thinking when he said those words, he didn't mean it
Emily: he still said it
Alicia: I know my brother and I could tell he does love you
Emily: I don't think so, look what he said about me being naive and pathetic, but the truth is he is don't know why you are wasting time with me when you can be with your brother and sister
Alicia: I may not know you for long but I still consider you my sister in law and I know for a fact that Roman still loves you, like I said he wasn't thinking plus I think he was afraid of losing you
Emily: so your saying cause he was afraid of losing me he decided to say those hurtful words to me is ok
Alicia: I'm not supporting his action  but maybe you and he should talk
Emily: I'm not going back to the house straight away
Alicia: ok you don't have to we can stay here a week if you would like otherwise we can go back and I will make sure Roman gives you space cause I don't think it will be safe to be away from the mansion as randy could be close by
Emily: ok fine we will go back, but promise me you will keep Roman away, I need time to think about my and Romans relationship
Alicia: ok we will check out tomorrow

Back at Romans royal dragons mansion

Samantha was making dinner while not knowing Roman was getting drunk in his office

Roman: (cries) I can't believe I said those words to her, I didn't even mean them
Samantha: dinner is ready, Roman stop drinking
Roman: I need too
Samantha: no you don't drink ain't gonna fix things
Roman: it takes my pain away
Samantha: if you want to get her back, you are gonna have to prove to her what kind of man you are, cause at the moment you are just acting like an alcoholic idiot
Roman: just leave my dinner here and you can leave
Samantha: (angry) fine if you want to act like this go ahead, just so you know Alicia and Emily will be back here tomorrow but she has requested to make sure you don't go near her
Roman: how am I meant to make things right if she doesn't even want to be near me
Samantha: like I said before you are gonna have to give her space and eventually prove to her that those hurtful words you said to her are not true
Roman: Please help me convince her
Samantha: I will see what I can do, no promises though, just promise me if she asks you to stay away from her you listen cause the last thing we want her to do is to let randy take her back

(Time skip) the next day

Alicia: Emily wake up, we have to check out by 9 otherwise they will charge us another night
Emily: ok we better get Out of here
Scene: Alicia and Emily arrived home
Samantha: welcome back sis, how are you Em
Emily: I'm ok, any word on randy
Samantha: Nope, still trying to find him
Alicia: don't worry about it we will find him and we will make him pay for what he has done, well I have to pop into work so I will leave you to hang out with Samantha, see you both later
Scene: Alicia left
Samantha: how are you feeling
Emily: like I said I'm ok
Samantha: I can see you're still hurting from what happened last night
Emily: I don't want to talk about it, Roman made it pretty clear last night how he sees me
Samantha: I can assure you he didn't mean it
Emily: so you think it's ok to talk like that
Samantha: no I'm not saying that but he is regretting saying those hurtful words to you
Emily: please just stop talking about it, if he did care then he would have known those words were something I would hear from the people that tortured and abused me,
Samantha: just please talk to him so you sort this out
Emily: I'm not gonna talk to him, I need some space from him, so I'm gonna go and get my stuff out of his room
Scene: Emily was just gonna go and get her stuff then Samantha goes and locks Romans bedroom
Samantha: sorry Emily but you both need to sort this out
Roman: Em I'm sorry for what I have called you last night
Emily: what you called me last night hurt me like  expected that from the people that tortured and abused me not from you
Roman: please forgive me, I know I messed up, I'm willing to do anything for you to be with me again
Emily: fine if you want me to forgive you, you will have to let me help you all at catching randy and his gang
Roman: are you sure you want to help
Emily: I need to confront my fears
Roman: ok you can help but if it gets too much you can back out, I will assign Alicia to be with you at all times just promise me you won't leave her side
Emily: thank you Roman, I'm still gonna have a separate room cause I think we still need some space cause I think you need to decide whether you want to be with me or not
Roman: I already said to you I want to be with you
Emily: cause I can't go through you throwing my past back at me and you acting like I was nothing to your
Roman: ok you can have a separate room, I can help move your stuff over if you like
Emily: it's fine I can handle that myself, you can go to work
Roman: well if you need help Samantha will be here

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