chapter 6

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Scene: roman called Emily in from the lounge

( Knock knock knock )
Roman: come in
Emily: you wanted to speak to me
Roman: before I tell you this, promise me you won't freak out
Emily: what's going on, your acting weird,
Roman: my friend got a parcel today and it had a note saying play me on a phone
Emily: are you going to show me
Scene: Roman showed Emily the video
Emily: ( cries) this is all my fault, you should have left me there, now someone has died
Roman: don't say that you're here cause we wanted to help you and we know what randy did to you is completely wrong
Emily: yeah but someone has been tortured and killed for saving me
Scene: Roman tries to hug Emily
Emily: just leave me alone, I need some time to myself
Roman: just give me a yell if you need me
Scene: went outside to the garden

Emily's Thoughts:

I can't believe Naomi got tortured and killed for saving me. I just want this to be over but I guess it will never be over until I go back to randy. I don't really wanna go back to randy. But if it stops anyone else from dying it might be an option, I know I can't say anything to Roman or Alicia and Samantha. I don't even know why they would waste their time saving someone like me and then Naomi gets killed for betrayal. What is it that people see that I can't see, all I am is a broken shell of a person that gets used as a punching bag?

End of thoughts

Scene: Roman called Alicia

Phone call

Alicia: hello big brother
Roman: how long until you come home
Alicia: just finishing up
Roman: ok great, I think Emily needs you and Samantha again
Samantha: why, what did you do
Roman: it's not me, I will tell you when you get home
Alicia: ok we will be there as soon as we can

End of phone call

Scene: Alicia and Samantha arrived home
Alicia: what's going on
Roman: well jimmy got a parcel and it said had a note that said I hate traitors ask Roman and his sisters, and there was a phone that said play me
Scene: Roman showed Alicia and Samantha the video
Samantha: OMG we need to get rid of randy
Alicia: And you showed Emily this
Roman: yes I had to I didn't wanna keep secrets, I want her to trust us
Alicia: where is she now, I think she went to the gardens
Roman: I don't think she is taking this well cause I was listening to the footage of her in the garden cause you know I have bugs and cameras everywhere
Alicia: oh so she says her thoughts out loud
Scene: Roman let Samantha and Emily listen to the recording

Emily's POV

Emily: I have to figure out a way to get away from here
Samantha: I hope you're not thinking of leaving us
Emily: did Roman tell you what happened
Samantha: yes he did and you are not to blame for this, this is Randy's fault
Emily: yeah, but they are gonna kill anyone who gets in there a way of getting to me, I don't want either of you dying cause of me
Alicia: none of us is gonna get killed, we know how to protect all of us
Emily: you can't guarantee that
Alicia: I know but you have to trust us
Samantha: don't worry things will get better
Emily: no they won't cause until I go back to randy he will just go after all of you until he gets to me
Roman: (angry) so you just want to go back to him and let him abuse you and torture you and treat you like trash, fine if you want to go then go and don't expect us to save you
Alicia: Roman that's enough
Roman: no it's not she needs to hear this, no wonder randy wants you, you are just so naive and pathetic, you should have died instead of Naomi, get out
Samantha: Roman that's enough you have crossed the line, go and cool down
Roman: I'm not going anywhere, she can just leave
Emily: ok that's fine, thank you all for having me, wow Roman is that all you thought of me, here I thought you loved me, you can go to hell Roman, thank you Alicia and Samantha for being friendly and letting me stay here
Alicia: come with me I will book a hotel for us both
Roman: sis where are you going
Alicia: I'm leaving too, I can't stand seeing you especially after what you just said
Roman: well done Emily now you're breaking my family up
Emily: you don't have to do this, just stay with Roman
Alicia: nonsense, sister's stay together, Samantha you can stay with Roman until he comes to his senses
Scene: Emily and Alicia left

Samantha's POV

Samantha: what the hell Roman, how could you say that to Emily and even after what she has been through and what she found out today and you say those hurtful things to her, don't be surprised if she never wants to talk to you
Roman: I know I messed up, I was just afraid of losing her
Samantha: So you thought of saying the most hurtful words to her, your such an idiot
Roman: how am I supposed to make it up to her
Samantha: I don't think you can, you're just gonna have to give her time
Roman: please help make it up to her
Samantha: ok but first you are gonna have to stay away from her, especially if you want her to stay here, you need to keep your distance
Roman: Ok I will get help for my temper, it's going to be hard to stay away from her
Samantha: well you have to look at it this way, do you want her back
Roman: of course I do
Samantha: well you have to give her space
Roman: ok fine

While Roman and Samantha were talking they didn't notice randy was watching and hearing what they were saying
Randy: so my punching bag and Roman aren't talking, this will make the plan easier

Authors note

How was the chapter?

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What're your thoughts on Roman?

Working on the new chapter now stay tuned to see what happens next

Have a good day/night wherever you are
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