chapter 4

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At the hospital

Doctor: what seems to be the problem
Roman: well my stupid sister decided to take her shopping and we did a lot of shopping, Jacinta told Samantha she was tired but Samantha thought she was only trying to get out of shopping
Samantha: I'm not stupid, can you stop yelling
Alicia: stop arguing both of you otherwise get the hell out of here, do you think Jacinta wants to hear all of you's yelling at each other
Roman: sorry
Jacinta: what happened
Roman: I think you collapsed cause you had a lack of nutrition so you didn't have enough energy to go shopping
Jacinta: I'm sorry
Roman: it's not your fault
Samantha: I'm so sorry
Jacinta: it's fine
Samantha: I got you something to eat
Jacinta: I'm not hungry
Samantha: please eat something for me, you scared me today and the least I could do is buy your favourite food which is a chicken sandwich
Jacinta: fine but only half of it
Roman: so when will she be getting discharged
Doctor: well she can be discharged today, but she has to start eating proper meals otherwise she will not survive
Roman: I know, we won't stop trying even my sisters are not giving up
Scene: they all left the hospital
Jacinta: ok i'm gonna go have some rest
Scene: Jacinta went to her room
Samantha: so what are we going to do about her
Roman: I don't know but we can't give up on her
Alicia: just leave it to me and Samantha,  all you can do roman is comfort her especially when she gets those horrible nightmares  about that prick randy and his gang the black dragons
Roman: thanks I'm so lucky to have 2 good sisters
Samantha: I know but I and Alicia are lucky to have an overprotective brother like you
Roman: I'm not overprotective
Samantha: yes you are but we still love you very much
Roman: thanks
Scene: Jacinta came downstairs
Alicia: hello sleepyhead
Jacinta: hello
Samantha: how are you feeling
Jacinta: I'm feeling better
Roman: hello
Jacinta: hello, I'm just gonna go for a walk
Roman: I'll come with you
Jacinta: ok
Scene: they went for a walk
Roman: so how are you feeling
Jacinta: good, I'm still having those nightmares, I just want them to stop
Roman: all you have to do is be strong cause if you keep having fears of the nightmares, they  won't stop unless you can fight them and not be scared of them
Jacinta: I can't just get over it, they tortured me, hurt me, made me go with all the gang members
Roman: all I wanna do right now is go and kill them
Jacinta: killing them is not the answer
Roman: look what they did to you, taking their frustration out on a beautiful girl like you
Jacinta: yes I know, but promise me you won't kill them
Roman: I won't
Jacinta: we better get back home
Roman: don't worry things will get better

Scene: randy was watching them from Afar, Roman and Jacinta got home

Samantha: Hey Roman, hey Jacinta, dinner is ready
Jacinta: what are we having for dinner
Samantha: We are having chicken and vegetable pasta
Jacinta: I'm not very hungry
Alicia: come on just have something, you heard what the doctor said
Jacinta: I might have something later, I just don't feel like eating
Alicia: please just eat something, we are all worried about you and we want you to be better
Jacinta: ok I will have some food, but I know I can't eat too much otherwise I will just end up getting sick
Roman: just eat what you can eat but please eat a decent amount

After dinner:

Samantha: Who wants to watch a movie marathon
Alicia: what are we going to watch
Samantha: maybe the fast and furious movies
Alicia: sweet I'm in
Roman: I'm in
Jacinta: I'm just gonna try and get some extra sleep cause lately I have just been getting nightmares, good night everyone
Roman, Alicia, Samantha: goodnight

Later that night


Randy: ok we need a plan to get the trash back here
Maryse: I know, but we need to find out who the rat is here
Randy: I already have it down to 2 people which is AJ or Naomi
Maryse: we just have to keep a close eye on those 2


Jacinta: please leave me alone, don't hurt me, please don't touch me, leave me alone
Scene: Roman came into Jacinta's room
Roman: shhh it's alright, your safe, you're not with him, you're safe, I'm here, I will protect you, don't worry it's just a nightmare
Jacinta: ( cries ) it felt so real
Roman: don't worry your safe, I will protect you
Jacinta: please stay here tonight
Roman: don't worry I will be here

Time skip
Next morning

Roman: Morning baby girl
Jacinta: morning
Roman: I haven't officially asked you, will you be my girlfriend
Jacinta: are you sure you want to be my boyfriend
Roman: I haven't been more sure than anything in my life
Jacinta: I would be happy to be your girlfriend
Roman: let's have breakfast with everyone and tell them the good news
Alicia: good morning you, just letting you know breakfast is ready
Roman: ok will be down soon

Scene: they are all having breakfast
Roman: I have an announcement to make
Samantha: you made Jacinta your girlfriend
Roman: how did you know
Samantha: it's called eavesdropping
Roman: remind me to soundproof my room
Samantha: don't worry I'm happy for you both, just don't break Jacinta's heart cause you will have me to deal with
Alicia: me too, Jacinta is like another sister that I didn't have
Scene: Naomi turned up
Alicia: Naomi what are you doing here
Naomi: I had to get out of there cause I think they are on to me
Alicia: how would they know
Naomi: I think they found out that through the security cameras that I played a part in Jacinta's escape
Alicia: ok, you can stay here
Naomi: thank you so much
Samantha: ok I think we need to train jacinta into learning how to fight and defend herself
Alicia: that's a great idea, what do you think Jacinta?
Jacinta: I don't know, it will take a long time for me to learn
Roman: I think that's a great idea and we can all train you as we all know different techniques, styles and skills
Samantha: great then we will start tomorrow on that, don't worry about how long it takes for you to learn
Jacinta: ( fake smiles ) ok I can't wait

Authors note

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