Murder your loves one

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play music when given too

It was the next day as usual a sunny beautiful day... nothing could go wrong ... but today is Halloween day yep candies, treats, and other knick knacks  and things

Gabe: baby wakeup... babe... happy Halloween

brielle: good morning love *kisses lips* and happy Halloween babe!!!

Gabe: come on love lets go...

they came down stairs and hung out and ate for the rest of the day they cached up on Halloween movies and waited till night time where the night frights begin... but what gabe wasn't expecting was the worst ...

it was night time where all lovers go for trick or treating or when the fun happens well there was a murdered on the loose the guy was scary but for some in particular reason he came for brielle  or was looking for  her  what so ever she didn't know she thought it was a normal Halloween but not so normal at all things can really change huh 🤔

Walking the streets getting candy 🍭... Brielle was talking to gabe when Brielle gets stabbed .. gabe tires to grab him but he ran off and as soon as she fell gabe started tearin up crying ... ambulance and officers fled the
Scene as gabe cries with tears falling singing

Play song at 1:43

I'm feeling so tired ... really falling apart ... it's just don't make sense to me ... I really don't know ... why you sit right next to me ... whatever I go ... your mine ... mine.. mine... my kinda of women ... mine oh mine ... what a girl .. your mine ... mine ... mine ... my kinda of women ... I'm down in my hands and knees show me your world

He couldn't shake what had happen she always gets hurt but never dies ...

gabenotbabe- only child, only lover , only girlWhere stories live. Discover now